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Master Thesis

As an evaluation method for e-Government world wide web portal in Turkey cities, I have applied and proposed an evaluation method to measure the accuracy for the usability satisfaction. By calculating the population for each city, I have selected the government website and try to apply the error checking by depending on the Measure 1. Measure 1 which has 10 dichotomous web usability standard, I valuate and coded each site based on the 10 dichotomous usability standards. Those dichotomous are categories and based on Web design errors, Standard web design

conventions, and the Presence of features designed. Then I suggest a method to easure the usability satisfaction by computing the total average for each site after I compute the individual average by counting the number of ones during our usability checking using Measure 1. Then I have found that the total number of websites that have satisfied the usability majority is (39 webpage) which is an approximate equal to

48%, and the sites that does not satisfy the usability majority is (42 webpage), which about 51%. Moreover, I tried to study the relation between the final usability accuracy that related to each dichotomous usability standards.

In my Experimental results and by plotting each usability satisfaction, I tried to find the dichotomous that effect on the final usability accuracy for each Turkey cities sites such as splash page which is named V1 in my experimental result and V2 which

is the need for horizontal scrolling at 1024×768 resolution or below those dichotomoushave achieved (100%) for the usability success. In contrast, Turkey website usability succeed has been affected by some Measure 1 dichotomous, which have achieved (0%) such as V4 which is the underlined text links which effect on the have achieved (0%) such as V4 which is the underlined text links which effect on the

user ability accuracy as a final measurement result.

Keywords: human computer, e-governement,website, usability,measure

Afaf Saleh Emhemed Saad, (06-2016), Atilim university: international conference,

العلاقة السياسية وآثرها الحربي بين الدولة المرينية ودولتي الزيانيين والحفصيين ببلاد المغرب في العصر الوسيط
مقال في مجلة علمية

لا شك في ان الدول كالأفراد تربطها علاقات او توجد بينها علاقات قد تسهم في تقاربها او تباعدها ،وهذه العلاقات متعددة منها السياسية والاقتصادية والثقافية ،وتعد العلاقة السياسية من اهم تلك العلاقات التي تربط الدول ،ولهذه العلاقة في الغالب اثار تنجم عنها ويعد الاثر الحربى من اهمها.فدول بلاد المغرب في العصر الوسيط كان تاريخها كغيرها من الدول تنسج جزء منه العلاقة السياسية وآثرها الحربى ،ومن تلك الدول الدولة المرينية التي كان لها تاريخ من العلاقة السياسية مع جارتيها دولتى بنى زيان والحفصية والتي حملت في طياتها اثر حربى.

سالم ابو القاسم محمد غومة، (05-2016)، جامعة الزاوية: المجلة الجامعة، 18

حكم العائلات داخل الدولة المرينية
مقال في مجلة علمية

برز داخل دول المغرب في العصر الإسلامي او الوسيط حكم العائلات ،حيث انفردت عدة شخصيات من نفس العائلة بمنصب ادارى داخل دولة ما،وكان ذلك لفترات متقطعة او متواصلة ،وهذه العائلة في الغالب لا تمت بصلة قرابة لمؤسسي تلك الدولة. وتعد الدولة المرينية من ابرز تلك الدول التي شاع فيها مثل هذا النوع من الحكم،حيث ضرب جذوره داخل جهازها الاداري ،فعند تأسيس دولتهم حرص سلاطين بني مرين على الاستفادة ممن لهم مقدرة وخبرة على إدارة وظائف دولتهم،ولقد تحقق لهم ذلك،غير أن البعض ممن تولوا تلك الوظائف البعض استأثروا بها واصبحت حكرا عليهم،وهكذا برز حكم العائلات الذي نحن بصدد الحديث عنه.

سالم ابو القاسم محمد غومة، (03-2016)، جامعة غريان: مجلة الجامعة، 10

Earnings management and its relations with corporate social responsibility
Journal Article

The ethics of financial reporting assumes a center stage in the corporate world in the background of an emerging understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We review the literature on the link between earnings management (EM) and CSR and reveal that there are two contradictory perspectives. One perspective assumes that EM is negatively associated to CSR, while the other argues that EM and CSR are positively related. These perspectives are based on the competitive existence theories such as agency, singling, stakeholder, legitimacy theories. While, the negative relationship between EM and CSR perspective is in line with the legitimacy, agency and singling theories, the positive relationship is in accordance with stakeholder theory.

Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Awidat Marai, Goranka Knežević, (03-2016), Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization: Facta Universitatis, 12

الحروف المشتركة بين الاسم والفعل ودلالاتها في ديوان عبيد الله بن قيس الرّقيّات
مقال في مجلة علمية

يتناول هذا البحث أبرز العناصر الّتي تتوسع بها الجملة وهي : الحروف المشتركة الّتي تقتحم الجملتين: الاسميّة، والفعليّة دون قيد، بصرف النّظر عن مجيئها كثيراً في إحداهما دون الأخرى، أو أن تكون في الأصل خاصّة بإحداهما ثمّ جاءت مع الأخرى توسّعاً، ونقتصر على أبرزها ورودا وهي:

  أ ــ حروف الاستفهام:(الهمزة و هل) وهي خاصّة بالأفعال، غير أنّهم توسّعوا فيها، وأدخلوها على الأسماء.

ب ــ حروف النّفي:(ما، لا) وهي مثل حروف الاستفهام لتشبيه النّحاة لها وإجرائها مجرى حروف الاستفهام والأمر و النّهي.

ج ــ حروف الاستثناء: وهي تدخل على الجملة الفعليّة، وعلى الجملة الاسميّة.

دــ حروف العطف: وهي تجمع بين الخبر وعنصر توسيعيّ، أو بين عنصري توسيع في الجملة الاسميّة، كما أنّها تجمع بين الفاعل أو المفعول وعنصر توسيعيّ أو بين عنصري توسيع في الجملة الفعليّة.

والبحث تناول هذه العناصر التوسيعيّة على التّوالي، مع محاولة الوقوف على مدى مساهمتها في إثراء الدّلالة للجمل الشّعرية على ضوء استخدام الشّاعر لها، وكان ذلك على مبحثين؛ الأوّل: يتناول هذه الحروف نظرياًّ، و الثّاني: يتناولها تطبيقياًّ حسب ما ورد في الدّيوان.

             ومن أهمّ النّتائج الّتي توصّل إليها البحث:

1ــ الشّاعر استخدم من الموسّعات المشتركة بعض الحروف، ومنها: حرفا الاستفهام(الهمزة، وهل) وحرفا النّفي(ما، ولا)وحرف الاستثناء(إلّا) وحروف العطف.

2ـ استخدام الشّاعر لحرفي الاستفهام كان قليلا مقارنة بالحروف الأخرى،

3ــ استخدام الشّاعر للنّفي في الجملة الاسميّة كان قليلا إذا ما قورن بالإثبات، وبالنّفي في الجملة الفعليّة،

4ـ الشّاعر استخدم حرف الاستثناء(إلّا) في ثلاثة وعشرين موضعاً، منها: ثلاثة مواضع كان الاستثناء فيها تامّاً موجباً، وثلاثة مواضع أخرى تامّاً منفيّاً، أمّا الباقي فجاء فيها الاستثناء مفرّغاً.

5ــ العطف  أسهم في ربط التّراكيب وتماسكها، ممّا يعكس دورها الكبير في التّماسك النّصّيّ في شعر ابن قيس الرّقيّات، فنجده يستخدم من حروف العطف(الواو، أو، الفاء، ثمّ، أم) فقط وكان العطف بـ(الواو) أكثرها استعمالا في شعره .

              وكما أكثر ابن قيس الرّقيّات من استخدام(الواو) فقد أكثر ـ أيضا من عطف الجمل الفعليّة بعضها على بعض ، وأكثر كذلك من العطف بدون إعادة الخافض في توسيع الجملة الفعليّة.

              ولم يختلف دور باقي حروف العطف عن(الواو) في الرّبط بين المفردات والجمل، إلّا أنّ معانيها اختلفت باختلاف سياقاتها، وهذا ما كان واضحا فيما تناولته الدّراسة التّحليليّة.

حفصة الطاهر المبروك سالم، (03-2016)، جامعة طرابلس: مجلّة التّبيان، 9

Enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation by ZnxMyO (M ¼ Ni, Co, K, Na) nanorod arrays
Journal Article

The present work reports a facile approach to the one-pot solution growth of vertically

aligned, doped ZnO nanorod (NR) arrays by chemical bath deposition (CBD). The effects of

dopant ions on the final morphologies, electronic band structures and donor densities of

ZnO NRs were examined. With the introduction of dopants, the optical band gap energies

of the samples were reduced. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting performances

of the doped ZnO NRs were tested. When compared with pristine ZnO NRs, the doped ZnO

NRs demonstrated an improvement of at least 15% in the PEC water splitting activity. Nadoped ZnO NRs was the most efficient photoanode, where its photocurrent density was 2.1

times greater than that of pristine ZnO NRs. The mechanism for improved PEC performance was proposed

Wei Cheat Lee, Giacomo E. Canciani, Brnyia O.S. Alwhshe, Qiao Chen, (01-2016), England: International journal of hydrogen energy, 41

Understanding and predicting online purchase intention: Development of a model for cognitive-affective shopper responses
Journal Article

Abubaker A AB Shaouf, (01-2016), International Journal of Management and Applied Science: International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 12

Survey of Sustainable Development to Make Great Man-Made River Producing Energy and Food
Journal Article

The Great Man-Made River (GMR) is the world largest irrigation project, consisting of a network of pipes that supplies water from Libyan desert in the south to the coastal areas in the north. This paper studies the possibility of taking advantage of GMR to generate energy and produce food through agriculture. Hydro-kinetic power generation, would be carried out by generating energy from water movements across Great Man-Made River pipelines using appropriate sizes of turbines. It’s known that the length of the GMR pipeline is about 4000 km with a diameter of 4 m. Pipeline of such magnitude with great water flow rate would make a turbine to produce hundreds of Kilowatts of clean energy. The most significant reasons that force us to take advantage of GMR to generate energy are: a) The needs to sustainable environmental energy source; b) Power System uses energy of flowing water to provide a consistent, controllable, non-weather-dependent source of electricity, such as other types of renewable energy, which are depend on the weather. The conversion of GMR, from supplying freshwater to coastal cities, to huge agricultural project after the establishment of many seawater desalination plants (solar powered) would cover the needs of cities for fresh water. Thus it would become possible to convert thousands of desert hectares around the pipelines to huge agricultural project irrigated from GMR.

Mohamed Nasar Nasar, (12-2015), بلغراد، صربيا: Enviro Research Publishers, 3

Micromorphology and histochemistry of leaf trichomes of Salvia aegyptiaca (Lamiaceae)
Journal Article

Abstract and figures

We performed a comprehensive study of trichomes considering the medicinal importance of the essential oils produced in glandular trichomes of Salvia aegyptiaca L. and lack of data about leaf trichome characteristics. Micromorphological and histochemical analyses of the trichomes of S. aegyptiaca were carried out using light and scanning electron microscopy. We report that the leaves contained abundant non-glandular unbranched trichomes and two types of glandular trichomes, peltate and capitate, on both leaf surfaces. The abaxial leaf side was covered with numerous peltate and capitate trichomes, while capitate trichomes were more abundant on the adaxial leaf side, where peltate trichomes were rarely observed. The non-glandular trichomes were unicellular papillae and multicellular, uniseriate, two-to-six-celled, erect or slightly leaning toward the epidermis. Peltate trichomes were composed of a basal cell, a short cylindrical stalk cell and a broad head of eight secretory cells arranged in a single circle. Capitate trichomes consisted of a one-celled glandular head, subtended by a stalk of variable length, and classified into two types: Capitate trichomes type I (or short-stalked glandular trichomes) and capitate trichomes type II (or long-stalked glandular trichomes). Histochemical tests showed that the secreted material in all types of S. aegyptiaca glandular trichomes was of a complex nature. Positive reactions to lipids for both types of glandular trichomes were obtained, with especially abundant secretion observed in peltate and capitate trichomes type II.

Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (12-2015), Serbia: Archives of Biological Sciences, 86

Effect of Crude Ethanolic Extract of Mangosteen Pericarp (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) on IFN-γ and IL12 Level in Mice Infected by Salmonella Typhimurium
Master Thesis

Abstract: Garcinia mangostana L pericarp extract is known has active substances called

Xanthones which has strong antioxidant effects. This substance also has anti-inflammatory

and immunomodulation effects. However, the intercellular infection of Salmonella stimulates

macrophage to produce interleukin IL12 for enhancement of IFN-γ secretion. lFN γ, which

plays role for activates macrophage, acts as positive feedback in stimulating macrophages to

kill S. Typhimurium. Macrophages play role in the phagolysosome fusion process are

produced. This study aims to determine the effect of Crude Ethanolic Mangosteen Extract

(CEME) on IFN-γ and IL-12 secretion in mice infected with S. Typhimurium. This study

used 25 mice Balb/c. Mice divided into 5 groups consist of 5 mice in each group, including

positive control (mice were infected with S. Typhimurium), T0 (control with 40 mg/ml of

crude extract mangosteen pericarp without S. Typhimurium), T1, T2 and T3 (treatment with

20 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml and 60 mg/ml of crude extract mangosteen pericarp). Then, the mice

were necropsied and dissected to take the blood directly from the heart. Levels of IFN-γ and

IL-12 were analyzed using ELISA. Data were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA followed by

Post-Hoc test (LSD) to assess the comparison between groups. Results showed that CEME

increase serum IFN-γ and IL12 without infection. CEME increase serum IL12 in T1, T2and

T3 with a p-value 0,000. Other results showed decreases serum IFN-γ in T2 and T3 with a p￾value 0,000. CEME improve immune response through the increases serum IL-12 and

decreases serum IFN-γ in mice infected with S. Typhimurium.

Keywords : Extract, Garcinia mangostana, IFN- γ, IL-12, S. Typhimurium.

Adell M Ahmed Abubakeer, (08-2015), Brawijaya University, Jl Veteran Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia: International Journal of PharmTech Research,