Mohammed Ahmed Imbarak Daqali
President of University
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, good greetings.
I am pleased and honored to be the President of Zintan University, this rising scientific institution, with God's help, to development and progress, and as we undertake our responsibilities in this scientific edifice, we keep in mind to work in a team spirit on the quality of education, scientific research and entrepreneurship, and to prepare students by developing their skills and abilities to learn, arming them with knowledge, expanding the base of scientific and literary studies to keep pace with development and construction in various fields and reach our university to the ranks of advanced universities. Zintan University grants university degrees (bachelor's and bachelor's), and has developed postgraduate programs in a number of scientific departments in various faculties, aiming through its educational, cultural and training programs to achieve excellence and leadership in the field of university education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels. The university includes a number of colleges distributed over the following cities and regions: Yafran, Rayyana, Zintan, Rajban, Al-Josh, Badr, Tiji, Al-Hiraba, Daraj, Tabqa, Shwerif, and these faculties are faculties: Education, Accounting, Science, Dentistry, Human Medicine