An Overview of Earnings Management Detection Approaches
Journal ArticleEarnings management could be considered as a matter ofserious concernby the financial accounting literature. Several approaches for detecting earnings management have been provided by the previous studies. This study aimsto review the different approaches used to identify earnings management and makes a critical evaluation on the weaknesses and strengths of these methods. Despite the fact that accrual-based earnings management is the most widely used approach for detecting earnings management, it has a number of drawbacks. We have attempted to shed more light on the strengths and drawbacks that should be considered when identifying earnings management behaviour.
Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Alhashmi Aboubaker Lasyoud, (02-2021), Journal of critical reviews: Journal of critical reviews, 8
الطرق التحليلية لحل معادلة الحرارة في بعد واحد وبعدين بأستخدام دالة جرين
مقال في مجلة علميةفي هذا البحث تناولنا دراسة معادلة الحرارة في بعد واحد وبعدين من ناحية التكوين الفيزيائي وتوضيح الشروط الابتدائية والحدية في حالاتها المختلفة ومن خلال استخدام دالة جرين من خلال التطبيقات وجدنا أنها طريقة بسيطة ومباشرة وفعالة وقادرة على حل المعادلات وسهلة التطبيق من خلال النتائج التي حصلنا عليهالحل معادلة الحرارة وهذه الطريقة تحل المسائل المتجانسة وغير المتجانسة ولذلك فهي طريقة مناسبة للباحثين .
فتحي إبراهيم احتيوش احتيوش، (02-2021)، المجلة الليبية لعلوم التعليم / تصدر عن الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التعليم: المجلة الليبية لعلوم التعليم / تصدر عن الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التعليم، 3
UDC 2020 Challenge on Image Restoration of Under-Display Camera: Methods and Results
This paper is the report of the first Under-Display Camera (UDC) image restoration challenge in conjunction with the RLQ workshop at ECCV 2020. The challenge is based on a newly-collected database of Under-Display Camera. The challenge tracks correspond to two types of display: a 4k Transparent OLED (T-OLED) and a phone Pentile OLED (P-OLED). Along with about 150 teams registered the challenge, eight and nine teams submitted the results during the testing phase for each track. The results in the paper are state-of-the-art restoration performance of Under-Display Camera Restoration. Datasets and paper are available at
Under-display camera Image restoration Denoising Debluring
Nagat Adballa Esiad Rahel, (01-2021), ECCV 2020: Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops pp 337-351: international conference,
Response to salt stress of two wetland grasses of forage potentialities
Journal ArticleAbstract
The growth of two wetland forage grasses Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth. and Echinochloa stagnina (L.) P. Beauv. was investigated under NaCl salinity regarding the morphological traits, plant chemical composition, photosynthesis and the antioxidant enzymes POD and CAT. Plants of both species were irrigated with 0, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM NaCl in a sand/perlite mixture of 1:1 (v/v). Salinity negatively affected morphological traits and plant biomass of both species, particularly E. stagnina. Soluble sugars and proline within limits, protein contents of the foliage were increased to different extents by increasing salinity, but insoluble sugar decreased. K+/Na+ ratio of shoot and root of both species was decreased as a consequence of Na+ accumulation and restricted K+ uptake. NaCl salinity adversely affected photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency of both species particularly E. stagnina. Tolerance of L. fusca and E. stagnina to salinity stress can be based on stomatal closure and reduction in leaf area, in order to minimize water loss via transpiration and increase the activity of some antioxidant enzymes to detoxifying ROS generated during stress.
Omar Altaher Omar Alhlak, د. ممدوح سراح ود. هبة شعبان, (01-2021), المجلة البرازيلية لعلم النبات: دار العلوم, 35
تأثير إضافة مستويات من فضلات الدواجن على بعض خصائص خصوبة التربة
مقال في مجلة علميةالمخلص
فضلات الدواجن تحتوى على عناصر غذائية ومواد عضوية،أجريت هذه الد ا رسة المعملية وذلك لد ا رسة تأثير إضافة فضلات
الدواجن مع زمن التحضين على خصوبة التربة حيث تم استعمال فضلات الدواجن أربعة معدلات ) 0،15،30،60
طن/ه( بما يعادل ) 0،2.7،5.4،11 ج ا رم( مع 500 ج ا رم من تربة رملية، وقد أظهرت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي وجود تأثير
معنوي للمادة المضافة )فضلات الدواجن( على خصائص المدروسة في الأسبوع الأولى من زمن التجربة في حين لم يكن هناك تأثير
معنوي لزمن تحضين العينات على الصفات المدروسة خلال كل الأسابيع فقد بينت النتائج ارتفاع في كمية المادة بالتربة بزيادة
معدل إضافة فضلات الدواجن في الأسبوع الأول من تحضين العينات، ثم انخفضت هذه الكمية بزيادة زمن التحضين وصولاً الى
الأسبوع السادس عشر نتيجة استهلاك الاحياء الدقيقة للكربون والنيتروجين واستخدمها للطاقة، وفيما يتعلق بعنصر النيتروجين فقد
لوحظ من خلال النتائج هناك ارتفاع في كمية النيتروجين بالتربة، وبزيادة معدل إضافة الفضلات في الأسبوع الأول، ومع زيادة الزمن
حدث تذبذب في كمية النيتروجين، حيث انخفضت الكمية بزيادة زمن التحضين وصولاً الى الأسبوع الأخير من زمن التجربة ، وهذا
يدل على وجود عملية التمثيل ومعدنة خلال تلك الفترة ، وكذلك أوضحت النتائج الإحصائية إرتفاع نسبة الكربون الى النيتروجين
بزيادة معدل إضافة الفضلات بداية الزمن التحضين ، ثم حدث انخفاض مع زيادة زمن تحضين للمعاملات وذلك نتيجة للاستهلاك
الكائنات الحية الدقيقة بالتربة للكربون والنيتروجين .
الكلمات الدالة: خصائص التربة، تمثيل النتروجين، فضلات الدواجن، معدنة النيتروجين
محمد الطاهر الفيتورى سالم، (12-2020)، جامعة الزنتان: مجلة الجبل العلمية، 3
Creative Accounting Versus Accounting Fraud: A Review of the Literature
Journal ArticleFinancial information manipulation has been one of the most important issues since the failure of major corporations worldwide such as Enron, World.Com, Arthur Anderson and others. Although, these companies differ in their core and operations, they share the same causes for their failure, which is really the practice of financial information manipulation. These manipulation activities are commonly referred to as "creative accounting." However, the concept of creative accounting is sometimes used as a synonym for accounting fraud in literature. Thereby, this research aims to review the existing literature in order to shed more light on the main features of creative accounting and accounting fraud, as well as the distinctions between them. In doing so, the findings of other prior studies, using a range of alternative available resources to gather the related literature, were reviewed to present the results of this research. The main findings of this research suggest that professional accountants and companies‘ executives are still able to find loopholes in the existing accounting standards to manipulate financial reports. In addition, it is still difficult to establish a framework that incorporates all the considerations that are essential to distinguish between creative accounting and accounting fraud. To overcome
on this phenomenon, the potential solution is by identifying executives‘ motivations to engage in manipulation behaviour, which can enable academics and regulators to establish a framework for distancing them, as well as may help to identify fraudulent actions by pursuing how executives behave to achieve their goals and intentions.
Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Naser Ahmed Alsghair, (12-2020), المعهــد العالــي للعلــوم والتقنيـــة – درنــة: مجلة البحـوث والدراســات الاقتصاديـــة, 5
Improvement of cardiac ventricular function by magnesium treatment in chronic streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat heart
Journal ArticleAbstract
Objective: Chronic diabetes mellitus is associated with detrimental cardiovascular complications and electrolyte imbalances such as hypomagnesaemia. We investigated the effect of magnesium (Mg2+) on cardiac function and the possible role of histological and electrical alterations in chronic, streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Methods: Wistar rats were treated once intraperitoneally with streptozotocin or citrate, and then daily with MgSO4 or saline for four weeks. Cardiac contractile and electrocardiographic parameters were measured on Langendorff-perfused hearts. Other hearts were histologically stained or immunoblotted for the mitochondrial ATP synthase (ATP5A).
Results: In diabetic hearts, Mg2+ prevented a diabetes-induced decrease in left ventricular developed pressure and improved contractility indices, as well as attenuated the reduction in heart rate and prolongation of QT interval, but not the QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc). Histologically, there
were neither differences in cardiomyocyte width nor interstitial collagen. The expression of ATP5A was not different among the treatment groups.
Conclusion: Mg2+ supplementation improved cardiac contractile activity in chronic diabetic hearts via mechanisms unrelated to electrocardiographic or histologically detectable myocardial alterations.
Hamida Abdalla Alrheebi Aboalgasm, (12-2020), South Africa: university of cape town, 1
السكان و العماله الزراعية و أثرها على الزراعة و الإنتاج الزراعي ببلدية الجفارة
مقال في مجلة علميةيهدف هذا البحث الى التعرف على أثر السكان العماله الزراعية و أثرها على الزراعة و الإنتاج الزراعي ببلدية الجفارة
محمود إمحمد المنتصر المنتصر، (12-2020)، كلية الآداب الاصابعة: مجلة المنارة، 3
Fructose Consumption Affects glucocorticoid signaling in the liver of young female rats
Journal ArticleAbstract: The effects of early-life fructose consumption on hepatic signaling pathways and their
relation to the development of metabolic disorders in later life are not fully understood. To investigate
whether fructose overconsumption at a young age induces alterations in glucocorticoid signaling
that might contribute to development of metabolic disturbances, we analyzed glucocorticoid
receptor hormone-binding parameters and expression of its target genes involved in gluconeogenesis
(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase) and lipid metabolism (lipin-1),
as well as redox and inflammatory status in the liver of female rats subjected to a fructose-rich
diet immediately after weaning. The fructose diet increased hepatic corticosterone concentration,
11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 level, glucocorticoid receptor protein level and
hormone-binding activity, as well as lipin-1 level. The expression of glucose-6-phosphatase was
reduced in fructose-fed rats, while phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase remained unaltered.
The fructose-rich diet increased the level of fructose transporter GLUT2, while the expression
of fructolytic enzymes fructokinase and aldolase B remained unaltered. The diet also affected
pro-inflammatory pathways, but had no effect on the antioxidant defence system. In conclusion,
a fructose-rich diet applied immediately after weaning promoted lipogenesis and enhanced hepatic
glucocorticoid signaling, possibly to protect against inflammatory damage, but without an effect on
gluconeogenesis and antioxidant enzymes. Yet, prolonged treatment might ultimately lead to more
pronounced metabolic disturbances.
Alhadi Mohamed Ali Jelban, (11-2020), Serbian national center for biological research: MDPI, 12
EFL Students’ Attitudes towards the Effect of Note Taking Strategies on Academic Achievement: The Case of Libyan Undergraduate Students.
Journal ArticleAPSTRACT
The present study investigated EFL Libyan undergraduate students’ attitude towards effect of note taking strategies on academic achievement. The study also explored whether there is a significant difference in students’ attitude towards effect of note taking strategies on academic achievement regarding to gender. A total of 80 participants were all EFL undergraduate students from Tripoli University. The data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed statistically by SPSS Program. The findings indicated that the participants showed positive attitudes towards the benefit of note taking strategies on academic achievement i.e. note taking helps to improve academic achievement. It was also found that there is not a statistically significant difference in students’ attitude towards the effect of note taking strategies on academic achievement due to gender. In the light of above results, some recommendations are finally provided for teachers and students to consider. Key words: note taking strategies, academic achievement, attitude, gender.
ABDUNNASER Elmaawi HNIAN SHNENA, (11-2020), مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقية والانسانية: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقية والانسانية, 6