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المنشورات العلمية

الرئيسية // المنشورات العلمية
العقوبة والبدائل
مقال في مجلة علمية

تعد العقوبة الجنائية وسيلة مهمة لردع المجرمين وغيرهم بل انها باتت وسيلة لاصلاح الانسان المجرم واعادته عضواً صالحاً في المجتمع ، إلا أن تطبيق العقوبة السالبة للحرية في بعض الجرائم البسيطة أثبتت عدم تحقيق أغراض العقوبة وانعكست آثارها سلبياً على المجتمع وقد تفطنت الكثير من الدول لخطورة العقوبة السالبة للحرية وانتجت بدائل لها قد تكون أكثر ملائمة لتحقيق اغراض العقوبة والحد من الظاهرة الاجرامية في المجتمع........

مصطفى علي عمر قريفه، العقوبة والبدائل، (12-2021)، ليبيا - جامعة غريان: مجلة المنارة، 5

The impact of big data analysis in enhancing sustainable development goals
Conference paper

Digital technologies witnessed rapid advancements in many domains such as computing, programming, cloud computing, data storing, networking, satellite broadcasting, mobile technologies, but increasingly also in the natural sciences, such as medicine, biology, chemistry, pharmacy, etc. These advancements lead to a massive explosion in data volumes which expected to exceed 175ZB (175x1021 Byte) by end of the year 2025. When data size exceeds normal manageable storable sizes, it will be called “big data”. Organizing and analyzing this “big data” with appropriate tools would produce quite valuable results helping decisions and policymakers. Big data also can assist significantly improve the life quality of much of the world’s population. The United Nations, governments, non-profitable and other organizations are utilizing big data to assist achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), a set of 17 targets pertinent to protect the natural environment, fighting hunger and poverty, reducing inequality, improving health outcomes and other things that will make life better around the world. Big data analysis could be used in many ways to enhance the understanding of the progress towards the SDGs, specify how best to meet SDGs targets, and ensure accountability. The UN has set up a task team to explore how to use big data to help achieve the SDGs. A survey by the task team found that big data projects most frequently focused on the “no poverty” goal, it was found that mobile phone data was the most common data source.

GUMA Abdulkhader Muntaser Lakshen, Basma Kajruba, (12-2021), المؤتمر العلمي الأول حول (التنمية المستدامة الواقع والمأمول من منظور اقتصادي) جامعة غريان: جامعة غريان, 1

( ملاحظات حول مشروع قانون تجريم السحر والشعوذة والكهانة وما في حكمها ) دراسة تحليلية نقدية
مقال في مجلة علمية

في عام 2021 تم عرض مشروع لقانون لتجريم السحر والشعوذة والكهانة وما في حكمها لإبداء الملاحظات عليه من قبل الباحثين والمختصين، وبالنظر إلى أن أفعال السحر والشعوذة وما في حكمها من السلوكيات المعقدة والخطرة على قيم ومصالح المجتمع التي يجب أن يتدخل المشرع جنائيا ويجرمها ويقرر لها الجزاء الجنائي المناسب، فما مدى الحاجة إلى تجريم أفعال السحر والشعوذة في القانون الليبي ؟ وماهي الملاحظات التي ينبغي الوقوف عندها ومعالجتها سواءً المتعلقة بالتجريم أو المتعلقة بالجزاء الجنائي ؟ وكيف يمكن ضبط وتحديد مصطلحات ومتطلبات التجريم والعقاب ؟ وكيف يتم ضمان احترام مبدأ الشرعية الجنائية عند التجريم ؟ وماهي طبيعة العقوبات المقررة في هذا المشروع ؟ وما هي الملاحظات المتعلقة بها ؟ وهل الجزاءات الجنائية المقررة في مشروع القانون ضرورية ومتناسبة مع الجرائم المقررة لها ؟

وسام أحمد سالم البكوش، (12-2021)، مجلة المنارة: المنارة، 5

Journal Article



 The groundwater aquifers in Azintan, northwestern Libya suffer from an acute shortage of water. The groundwater was evaluated to determine its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes from major two aquifers in north and south of Azintan area. This study carried out to assess the groundwater quality and to identify major affecting variables. Twelve samples from the two aquifers were collected. The two aquifers were collected and analyzed for total dissolved solid (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, CO32- and HCO3-. The results show that, the groundwater in many places is dominated by higher concentrations of Cl-, SO42- and HCO3-. Two water types were recognized in this region are Cl-SO4- Na-Ca and Cl-SO4-Na. Gibbs and Piper method, as well as the hardness, soluble sodium percentage and the permeability index all have been used to assess the diagram quality of the groundwater of aquifers. Further, the multiple correlations and Cluster Analysis of groundwater quality parameters were carried out for further classification and interpretation of the groundwater quality. Finally, water qualities in the study area are compared with Libyan standards and WHO guidelines of drinking water and irrigation  purposes.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (12-2021), International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology,: international conference, 6

Facebook as a Platform for Learning English in Higher Education
Journal Article

Technology has become an essential part of education today, and learning environment has changed from that of many years ago; students need to use technology as an alternative effective learning tool for learning English language as a foreign language (EFL). Most of current studies in the educational use of social media seem to pay more attention to the students' use of Facebook in learning. This research explores 14 university learners use of Facebook group and it mainly focuses on lecturers' role in Facebook group. This qualitative study involved observation and some interview questions. Current findings highlight that there are potential benefits to using Facebook for learning with reference that these students still need a guideline and support from their lecturers to learn English via Facebook. This paper suggests that considerable students' content knowledge of educational technology as Facebook is required to improve their learning. This study hopes to add and expand current body of knowledge about learning English in relation to Facebook used in English foreign language context. 

Imad Maoloud Salem Waragh, (12-2021), International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT): International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 9

نظرية التسويق بالعلاقات
مقال في مجلة علمية

نظرية التسويق بالعلاقات

علي المختار ابوبكر التومي، (12-2021)، مجلة مسارات العلمية: جامعة صبراته، 18

The depositional environment, diagenetic and depositional settings of gypsum deposits from Bi'r El Ghanem, NW Libya.
Journal Article

This study considers the diagenetic processes and the depositional settings of Lower Jurassic gypsum of the Bi'r Elghanem Formation in the northwestern of Libya. The paleo-environment study has revealed a variety of depositional environment ranging from lagoonal to fluvial deposit and evaporitic basins, which become intensely saline as a result of evaporation due to (semi-) arid environments. Samples were analyzed using elemental analysis, statistical evaluation such as Multiple Correlations, Principal Component Analysis, and mineralogical evidence to determine their mode of environmental deposition, mineralogical and geochemical composition. The geochemical results indicate that gypsum has evidence of mineral substitutions and displacement, suggesting a homologous mechanism for lithofacies and subsequent textural change. The development of gypsum minerals in a variety of lithologies and textures is aided by eustatic fluctuations in lake water level due to regional tectonism and climate.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (11-2021), International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods: international conference, 11

Antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting properties of extracts of in vitro grown Nepeta cyrenaica Quézel & Zaffran (Lamiaceae)
Journal Article


Nepeta cyrenaica Quézel & Zaffran (Lamiaceae), an endemic species of Libyan flora, is here characterized for the first time for its phytochemical composition and biological activities. Phenolic composition, antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting effects of extracts, prepared from five-week-old in vitro propagated N. cyrenaica shoots, were evaluated. Extraction was performed using dichloromethane, methanol, 96% ethanol or hot distilled water. LC-MS analysis showed that the methanol extract contained the highest amount of phenolic components, especially ferulic and rosmarinic acids (1300.73 mg/kg and 528.88 mg/kg, respectively), and epigallocatechin gallate (719.05 mg/kg). The strongest antioxidant activity was recorded for aqueous extract in DPPH assay (66.91%) and dichloromethane extract in β-carotene bleaching assay (81.06%), both tested at the concentration of 2 mg/mL. Concerning α-glucosidase inhibition, dichloromethane extract was shown to possess a higher inhibition capacity than acarbose at the concentration of 2 mg/mL (95.33% vs. 88.29%). The aqueous extract exhibited higher acetylcholinesterase inhibition than the other tested extracts, which was lower compared to the positive control, galantamine. Although methanol extract contained the highest amount of polyphenolics, dichloromethane and aqueous extracts were shown to be more suitable for the extraction of bioactive components. In conclusion, endemic N. cyrenaica could be efficiently propagated through in vitro propagation protocols as a polyphenolic-rich plant with valuable medicinal potential.

Keywords: biological activities; extracts; in vitro propagation; Nepeta cyrenaica

Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (11-2021), ٍSerbia: international conference, 7

Evaluating Efficiency of Some Exact StringMatching Algorithms on Large-Scale Genom
Journal Article

Exact string-matching algorithms have become very supreme in many bioinformatics tools. Despite the abundance and diversity of such algorithms, exposing them to real-time experimental analysis has been critical. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of ten exact-string matching algorithms on large-scale genomic sequences from a runtime perspective. To define the most efficient algorithms are qualified to handle the short alphabet used for nucleic acid coding. The methodology promoted for this study was the factorial experiment with Randomized Complete Block Design (FRCBD). Under influence of four independent parameters, four levels of pattern lengths, four levels of pattern indices, two levels of programming languages, and ten levels of algorithmic architecture. The yield of the tested algorithms was calculated in nanoseconds. One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA tests with post-hoc Games-Howell test were used separately for statistical analysis. In this study two widely accepted programming languages, C# and JAVA were used to speculate the possible effect of programing language on algorithm performance.

osamah shuhoub salim alrouwab, (10-2021), iMedPub LTD - 483, Green Lanes London N13 4BS, UK: American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 9

Alhudaj: CpG islands Detection Tool in Mammalian Genome Using C++
Journal Article

One of the unique combinations in the mammalian genome, that revolutionized concepts in the fields of genetics and molecular

pathology is what is termed the CpG islands. However, the accurate and rapid determination of CpG islands for DNA sequences remains

experimentally and computationally challenging. The main goal of this project is to design an offline, cross-platform CpG islands detection

tool. The Algorithm implemented in this study was the traditional sliding window algorithm by using the C++ programming language.

Three datasets were used for evaluating the performance of the application. The ANK1 gene, SPTB gene, and RET gene sequence files

were obtained from NCBI. In this study, the highest CGIs were reported in ANK1 (ankyrin 1) Gene which scored 13 successive islands

whereas the lowest score was reported in RET (ret proto-oncogene) Gene which shows only 6 islands. Generally, the program fulfills the

boundary limits as expected. We strongly recommend for further work, the implementation of other algorithms in addition to the sliding

window algorithm such as the Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

osamah shuhoub salim alrouwab, (10-2021), Spain: International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 29