ًAssessment Criteria in EFL Writing Skills
Journal Articlein Higher education sector, assessment criteria are important in measuring students‟ learning and support teaching. The assessment of students EFL writing could help in identifying students‟ learning needs, progress and also teaching. This research examines university tutors and students understanding of assessment criteria used in EFL writing skills. The analysis shows important finding that most of the tutors did not inform students about assessment criteria or discuss them which affected the students‟ ability to gain higher grades and produce better work. This might be due to lack of knowledge about the importance of providing and involving students in the criteria. The finding prompts a re-thinking about the use of assessment criteria and could make significant contribution to improve and provide great insights into the education especially in the Libyan context and in an EFL context.
Imad Maoloud Salem Waragh, (03-2017), DAR AZZAWYAH LELKETAB: DAR AZZAWYAH LELKETAB, 13
Assessment Methods and Factors Affecting their Use by Libyan Tutors in Assessing Students' writing and How these Assessment Methods are Perceived by Students
PhD ThesisIn higher education, assessment is a fundamental in measuring students’
learning and supporting teaching. The assessment of students’ English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) writing can help in identifying students’ learning needs,
progress and teaching. A number of studies have been conducted on
assessment in the Libyan context; however, these studies have focussed on
other aspects of EFL teaching and learning and not EFL writing assessment.
The study, therefore, explores the assessment methods that EFL tutors use in
assessing their students’ written work. It also aims to examine the factors that
affect tutors’ choices of assessment methods and identify how students
perceive the assessment methods concerning the process and product with
relation to tutors’ thinking.
To understand this topic from diverse perceptions, questionnaires were distributed to 12 tutors and 207 4th year students, and semi-structured
interviews were conducted with the sample of 12 tutors and six students
(purposive sampling). SPSS software was adopted as a means for
questionnaire analysis, while grounded theory was selected to analyse the
interview data.
Both data collection instruments provide a range of interesting findings as tutors
have experience in summative and formative assessment whereas self and
peer assessment are not performed by all students. However, there are several
factors that have a potential effect on the use of a variety of methods of
assessment. Both tutors and student participants believe that summative
assessment is a traditional method which has little effect on EFL writing skills.
Concerning the process and product of assessment, students have a deficiency
of receiving assessment criteria while tutors’ feedback is valued by all students
and also grades are perceived as the main product of assessment by all
participants. Further results indicate that all students agree that they have a lack
of involvement in discussion group-assessment, feedback, criteria, standards,
learning goals, self-grading and peer-grading. This is due to several factors that
limited students being involved in such concepts in relation to assessment. For
example, Libyan tutors still view assessment as being under their control, which
restricted the opportunity for students to be involved in assessment. The key
finding is the relationship between criteria, feedback and grades, as an
example, without known criteria the students do not know what is being
assessed, and the feedback is too broad because it covers every aspect of
Therefore, a contribution to knowledge is made by adding and expanding the
current body of knowledge about assessment methods used in the Libyan EFL
context. This study is important because it offers critical interpretations of what
methods are used to assess students’ written work in terms of the process and
product, and the knowledge gained from this study could be used to improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of assessment methods not only in the Libyan
context but also other second language users (L2) learning context.
Imad Maoloud Salem Waragh, (12-2016), University of Sunderland: University of Sunderland,
sOptical Properties and Junction Characteristics of 6-(5-Bromothiohen-2-yl)-2,3-Dihydro-1-Methyl-3-Oxo-2-Phenyl-1H-Pyrazolo[4,3-b]Pyridine-5-Carbonitrile Film
Journal Articleالوصف
In this study, 6-(5-bromothiohen-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-1-methyl-3-oxo-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazolo[4,3-b]pyridine-5-carbonitrile (BDPC) powder was synthesized. BDPC powder showed a polycrystalline structure, whereas the thermally evaporated films had an amorphous structure. The optical parameters such as absorption coefficient and refractive index were calculated in the spectral range 200–500 nm. Spectral distribution analysis of the absorption coefficient revealed that the films had an indirect band transitions with energy gaps of 2.57 eV and 3.5 eV. According to the single oscillator model, the oscillation energy, dispersion energy, and dielectric constant were estimated. The room-temperature current–voltage characteristics of the fabricated Au/BDPC/p-Si/Al heterojunction showed diode-like behavior. The ideality factor, the barrier height and series resistance were determined based on thermionic emission theory and
Hagar Hussien Hussien Nawar, (11-2016), Journal of Electronic Materials: Springer US, 45
Big Data and Quality: A Literature Review
Conference paperAbstract — Big Data refers to data volumes in the range of Exabyte (1018) and beyond. Such volumes exceed the capacity of current on-line storage and processing systems. With characteristics like volume, velocity and variety big data throws challenges to the traditional IT establishments. Computer assisted innovation, real time data analytics, customer-centric business intelligence, industry wide decision making and transparency are possible advantages, to mention few, of Big Data. There are many issues with Big Data that warrant quality assessment methods. The issues are pertaining to storage and transport, management, and processing. This paper throws light into the present state of quality issues related to Big Data. It provides valuable insights that can be used to leverage Big Data science activities.
Keywords —Big Data, Quality assessment, stream processing, survey, Big Data frameworks.
GUMA Abdulkhader Muntaser Lakshen, Sanja Vranes, (11-2016), 24th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2016: IEEE International Conference on Antennas, 24
Applying NIMSAD framework to evaluate the performance of ETHICS and SSADM methodologies
Journal ArticleAbstract
Nowadays, the information system methodology is lifeblood of any successful project. The success is based on the quality of information and its technology over the globe. This could rely on the development and operation of computer based systems. To assure that you achieved the goal, there should be a perfect and ideal selection of the methodology, and quite simply it matches your needs. However, there should be some researchers have been written about NIMSAD, SSADM and ETHICS and with no doubt much will be written in the future. The purpose of this paper is to conducting a comparison between two methodologies effectively. Besides, the implementation of NIMSAD framework will take an integral part in this paper. Consequently, the implementation will illustrate the strength and weakness points of both methodologies. Eight principals' steps of NIMSAD will be examined to demonstrate various aspects of EHTICS and SSADM methodologies. This, however, will help to ensure the efficient performance which is the main goal of this work.
Nabiel Almbrook Saied Algshat, (10-2016), كلية الآداب والعلوم بالمرج - جامعة بنغازي: مجلة العلوم والدراسات الانسانية, 17
تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين الخدمات الصحية داخل مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية التعليمي ماالانج – إندونيسيا (دراسة تحليلية )
Master Thesisملخص هدفت هذه الدراسة و انحصرت المشكلة في معرفة كيفية تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة داخل مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية التعليمي وكيف إدارة الجودة الشاملة تؤثر علي تحسين الخدمات الصحية في مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية و علي المعوقات التي تواجه تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين الخدمات الصحية في مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية و ما الحلول االستراتيجية الالزمة التطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين الخدمات الصحية في مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية التعليمي. مجتمع وعينة الدراسة: عينة مختارة من اإلداريين ورؤساء األقسام في مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية في مدينة ماالنج – إندونيسيا. منهجية البحث: كانت باتباع أسلوب المنهج الوصفي وفي نوعه الوصفي الكيفي، وأدوات جمع البيانات هي المقابلة واالطالع على الوثائق، وفي تحليل البيانات اعتمد الباحث على أسلوب المنهج الوصفي التحليلي بخطوات محددة. وخرجت الدراسة بعدد من النتائج من أهمها: أ. المستشفى المبحوث يتولى أهمية لتطبيق مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة داخل مستشفى الجامعة المحمدية. ب. لتركز على التحسين المستمر للخدمات من خالل مساهمة الموظفين والعاملين في خطط وأنشطة التحسين المستمر. ج. تؤثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة علي تحسين الخدمات الصحية في تشجيع اإلدارة العاملين على تقديم اقترحتهم بشكل أفضل في تحسين الخدمات الصحية داخل المستشفى وتنظيم برامج تدريبية داخل المستشفى. د. المعوقات هي قصور ثقافة إدارة الجودة الشاملة لدي الرؤساء والمرؤوسين وضعف تنفيذ البرامج التدريبية والدورات التوعوية داخل مستشفيي المحمدية. ه. االستراتيجية الالزمة هي العمل الجاد على نشر ثقافة تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة والتوعية بمزاءيها بين جميع العاملين. وأوصت الدراسة: ضرورة إيمان اإلدارة العليا للمستشفى بأهمية تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة، ونشر ثقافة الجودة على العاملين. واالستعانة بخبرات وكفاءات في إدارة الجودة الشاملة التحسين الخدمات داخل المؤسسة الصحية. اعتماد وعقد دورات تدريبة العاملين داخل المؤسسة وتأهليهم في مجال إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتوفير بعثات لهم لي الخارج وهذا من اجل رفع الكفاءة اعتماد وعقد دورات تدريبة العاملين داخل المؤسسة وتأهليهم في مجال إدارة الجودة الشاملة، وتوفير بعثات لهم لي الخارج وهذا من اجل رفع الكفاءة. الكلمات المفتاحية: كيفية تطبيق إدارة الجودة الشاملة، تحسين الخدمات الصحية، المستشفى المحمدية التعليمي
Adell M Ahmed Abubakeer, (10-2016), Department of Islamic management: Maulana Malik Ibrahim University,
MR imaging of the pituitary gland and postsphenoid ossification in fetal specimens
Journal ArticleBACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A thorough knowledge of fetal growth and development is key to understanding both the normal and abnormal fetal MR imaging findings. We investigated the size and signal intensity of the normal pituitary gland and the intrasphenoidal ossification around the Rathke pouch in formalin-fixed fetuses on MR imaging.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two fetuses with undamaged brains were included in this study (mean age, 19.93 weeks; age range, 12–31 weeks). Visual inspection of the pituitary and ossification around the Rathke pouch in the sphenoid bone or the postsphenoid ossification was conducted. The extent of pituitary and postsphenoid ossification, pituitary/pons signal ratio, and postsphenoidal ossification/sphenoid bone signal ratio was compared according to gestational age.
RESULTS: The pituitary gland was identified as a hyperintense intrasellar structure in all cases, and postsphenoid ossification was identified as an intrasphenoidal hyperintense area in 27 of the 32 cases (84%). The mean pituitary/pons signal ratio was 1.13 ± 0.18 and correlated weakly with gestational age (R2 = 0.243), while the mean postsphenoid ossification/sphenoid bone signal ratio was 2.14 ± 0.56 and did not show any increase with gestational age (R2 = 0.05). No apparent change in the size of pituitary hyperintensity was seen with gestational age (R2 = 0.001). Postsphenoid ossification showed an increase in size with gestational age (R2 = 0.307).
CONCLUSIONS: The fetal pituitary gland was hyperintense on T1-weighted images and the pituitary/pons ratio and extent of postsphenoid ossification correlated weakly with gestational age.
TAHA M Mehemed, (08-2016), American Journal of Neuroradiology: American Journal of Neuroradiology, 37
التعليم الالكتروني- مستقبل التعليم غير التقليدي
كتابحولت الثورة المعلوماتية عالم اليوم إلى قرية إلكترونية تتلاشى فيها حواجز الزمان والمكان، وقد ترتب على التقدم التكنولوجي ظهور طرق وأساليب جديدة للتعليم، وظهرت مسميات عديدة مثل التعليم المفتوح، التعليم عن بعد، التعليم الإلكتروني .
إن تحول المنظومة التعليمية من الأساليب التقليدية في التعليم، إلى أساليب جديدة معتمدة على برامج التعليم الالكتروني، يجب أن تكون مسبوقة بتغير حقيقي في مفهوم ثلاثية التعليم التقليدية (المعلم، الطالب، المؤسسة التعليمية)، وتحويلها إلى عملية تعليمية أكثر حداثة وعصرية وتشمل عناصرها: المعلم العصري، الطالب الإيجابي، الجامعة العصرية، تكنولوجيا التعليم المتقدمة، المناهج التعليمية المتطورة والتعليم غير التقليدي. وبدأ سوق العمل، من خلال حاجاته لمهارات ومؤهلات جديدة يفرض توجهات واختصاصات مستحدثة تلبي حاجات الاقتصاد الجديد، لذا فإن المناهج التعليمية خضعت هي الأخرى لإعادة نظر لتواكب المتطلبات الحديثة والتقنيات المتاحة، مثل التعليم الإلكتروني والتعليم المباشر الذي يعتمد على الإنترنت. لكن مجال التعليم الإلكتروني وحلوله لن تكون ناجحة إذا افتقرت لعوامل ومتطلبات أساسية من عناصر تتوفر في التعليم التقليدي الحالي، فهذا الأخير يحقق الكثير من المهام بصورة غير مباشرة أو غير مرئية بالنسبة لعابر السبيل الذي يرى أن تكنولوجيا التعليم الإلكتروني ستقلب كل الموازين بدون الإطلاع على كنه العملية التربوية بصورة عميقة.
سهيل كامل عبد الفتاح كلاب، (07-2016)، دار أسامة للنشر والتوزيع الأردن: تم اختياره،
Smart roads to generate energy in Libya: survey
Journal ArticleThe paper studied the possibility of taking advantage over roads to generate energy by pressure and movements of vehicles on these roads and converts kinetic energy into electric energy by piezoelectric devices that will call later the Smart Roads. Libya is seeking a variety of energy sources instead of depending on fossil fuels, and at the same time, plans to have giant projects in the field of roads; the most important is the 2000 km coastal highway. The coastal highway itself can produce thousands of kilowatts of clean and sustainable electric power by installing piezoelectric devices along the distance of the road with proper specifications. The objective of this paper is to study and investigate the smart roads to produce energy in Libya. Moreover, this paper employed descriptive design which includes model design and energy calculations for one piezoelectric device. The main reasons that encouraged us to take advantage over the Road Power Generation (RGP) are as follows:(1). The needs for a resource of renewable, clean and sustainable energy;(2) Benefits from the movement of thousands of vehicles on public roads, and take advantage of thousands of kilome-
Mohamed Nasar, Hesham Elzentani, (07-2016), بلغراد، صربيا: Environment & Ecology, 3
The effect of web advertising visual design on online purchase intention: An examination across gender
Journal ArticleWith web advertising growing to be a huge industry, it is important to understand the effectiveness of web advertisement. In this study we investigate the effects of web advertising visual design (WAVD) purchasing intention within the framework of an integrated model. Nine hypotheses were developed and tested on a dataset of 316 observations collected via a questionnaire survey. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that while web advertising visual cues influence consumers' purchasing intention through advertising attitudes and brand attitudes, they do not have direct effects on purchasing intention. Further results on the moderating role of gender suggest that web advertising visual cues have direct effect on consumers' purchasing intention for male groups but not for female groups. This study contributes to the understanding the role of visual dimensions in forming online purchase intentions.
Abubaker A AB Shaouf, (07-2016), Computers in Human Behavior: Elsevier, 60