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Evaluating Efficiency of Some Exact StringMatching Algorithms on Large-Scale Genom
Journal Article

Exact string-matching algorithms have become very supreme in many bioinformatics tools. Despite the abundance and diversity of such algorithms, exposing them to real-time experimental analysis has been critical. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of ten exact-string matching algorithms on large-scale genomic sequences from a runtime perspective. To define the most efficient algorithms are qualified to handle the short alphabet used for nucleic acid coding. The methodology promoted for this study was the factorial experiment with Randomized Complete Block Design (FRCBD). Under influence of four independent parameters, four levels of pattern lengths, four levels of pattern indices, two levels of programming languages, and ten levels of algorithmic architecture. The yield of the tested algorithms was calculated in nanoseconds. One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA tests with post-hoc Games-Howell test were used separately for statistical analysis. In this study two widely accepted programming languages, C# and JAVA were used to speculate the possible effect of programing language on algorithm performance.

osamah shuhoub salim alrouwab, (10-2021), iMedPub LTD - 483, Green Lanes London N13 4BS, UK: American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 9

Alhudaj: CpG islands Detection Tool in Mammalian Genome Using C++
Journal Article

One of the unique combinations in the mammalian genome, that revolutionized concepts in the fields of genetics and molecular

pathology is what is termed the CpG islands. However, the accurate and rapid determination of CpG islands for DNA sequences remains

experimentally and computationally challenging. The main goal of this project is to design an offline, cross-platform CpG islands detection

tool. The Algorithm implemented in this study was the traditional sliding window algorithm by using the C++ programming language.

Three datasets were used for evaluating the performance of the application. The ANK1 gene, SPTB gene, and RET gene sequence files

were obtained from NCBI. In this study, the highest CGIs were reported in ANK1 (ankyrin 1) Gene which scored 13 successive islands

whereas the lowest score was reported in RET (ret proto-oncogene) Gene which shows only 6 islands. Generally, the program fulfills the

boundary limits as expected. We strongly recommend for further work, the implementation of other algorithms in addition to the sliding

window algorithm such as the Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

osamah shuhoub salim alrouwab, (10-2021), Spain: International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 29

Organisational alteration of cardiac myofilament proteins by hyperglycaemia in mouse embryonic stem cell‑derived cardiomyocytes
Journal Article


The exposure of the developing foetal heart to hyperglycaemia in mothers with diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for foetal cardiac complications that lead to heart failure. We studied the effects of hyperglycaemia on the layout of cardiac myofilament proteins in stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and their possible underlying mechanisms. Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) were differentiated into cardiac-like cells and cultured in media containing baseline- or high glucose concentrations. Cellular biomarkers were detected using Western blot analysis, immunocytochemistry, 5–ethynyl–2-deoxyuridine (EdU) cell proliferation assay, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assay. High glucose decreased the proportion of cardiac troponin T and α-actinin 2 positive mESCs as well as disrupted the α-actinin 2 striated pattern and the distribution of the cardiac myosin heavy chain α- and β isoforms. However, there was no alteration of the cellular EdU uptake nor the expression of the receptor of advanced glycation end-product (RAGE). High glucose also increased the presence of the oxidative stress marker nitrotyrosine as well as the number of TUNEL-stained nuclei in cardiaclike cells. Treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine decreased the number of TUNEL-stained cells in high glucose and improved the α-actinin 2 striated pattern. Hyperglycaemia negatively impacted the expression and cellular organisation of cardiac myofilament proteins in mESC-derived cardiomyocytes through oxidative stress. The results add further insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac contractile dysfunction in diabetic cardiac developmental disease.

Hamida Abdalla Alrheebi Aboalgasm, (08-2021), South Africa: university of cape town, 9

تأثير الحراثة بمحراث مطرحي قلاب وبسرع مختلفة في أداء جرار زراعي
مقال في مجلة علمية

نفذت هذه التجربة الحقلية في احدى حقول مركز أبحاث كلية الزراعة والتابعة لجامعة طرابلس بليبيا سنة 2020 م في تربة رملية ذات محتوي رطوبي وزني9.74 % وذلك لدراسة تأثير التغير في سرعة الحرث باستخدام محراث مطرحي قلاب في بعض مؤشرات الأداء لجرار زراعي نوع الجدع 735 عند ضغط إطار العجلات القائدة أو الخلفية 1 بار. حيث استخدمت ثلاث مستويات مختلفة من السرع وذلك بضبط سرعة دوران المحرك على (1200، 1500، 2000) لفة/ دقيقة وعند سرعة تروس صندوق السرعات H1 فكانت السرعة العملية (3.79، 5.63، 8.05) كم / ساعة على التوالي.

تم دراسة التغير في نسبة الانزلاق والإنتاجية العملية والكفاءة الحقلية وحجم التربة المثار

المنتصربالله مختار محمد القريقني، (07-2021)، جامعة غريان /ليبيا: مجلة القلم المبين، 10

Journal Article

This article indicates that Arab Libyan EFL learners are incompetent in oral communication. Despite spending years in learning English, they fail to employ that knowledge in real communicative situations. This might be the outcome of inadequate teaching approaches that are employed by Arab EFL teachers. Diaaba (2016) pointed out that, their overreliance on traditional approaches which emphasize extensive linguistic input rather than communicative output result in what Wolff (2010 cited in ibed, 2016 p. 338) calls 'mute English learners', who can read and write but cannot speak. The purpose of this study was to uncover challenges facing Arabic-speaking ESL students as well as teachers .13 participations are included in this article. Research questions focused on the needs of the Arab Libyan-speaking ESL students, the factors that influence their learning, and the problems the teachers face in supporting these students. Data sources included teacher and student interviews, classroom observations the results revealed that Arab Libyan learners face challenges in speaking skills due to linguistic and psychological barriers. The study concluded that several important challenges for teachers and students exist, including time, language support, and knowledge insufficient exposure to the target language and frequent use of Arabic were the main factors contributing to the Libyan EFL learners' speaking difficulties. Lack of speaking activities and overemphasis on accuracy at the expense of fluency by the teachers were other contributing factors.

Keywords: Speaking skills; speaking difficulties; instructional approaches; linguistic and psychological barriers

Yakhlef Khalifa Mousa Mousa, 1SUHIR M. KHMIS,, Zaynab M Bub, (07-2021), جامعة بنغازي: مجلة جامعة بنغازي الحديثة للعلوم والدراسات الانسانية, 15

الحياة العلمية بمدينة بجاية من خلال كتاب عنوان الدراية (دراسة كمية)
مقال في مجلة علمية

يتناول البحث دراسة الحياة العلمية بمدينة بجاية في القرن السابع الهجري وذلك من خلال كتاب عنوان الدراية فيمن عرف من العلماء ببجاية في المائة السابعة ببجاية (دراسة كمية).  

سالم ابو القاسم محمد غومة، (06-2021)، جامعة غريان كلية الأداب الأصابعة: المنارة، 4

الإدارة التعليمية ودورها في إنجاح العملية التعليمية
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

يهدف هذا البحث الى تسليط الضوء عن الإدارة المدرسية والدور الذي تقوم به في نجاح عملية التعلم،حيث تعتبر الادارة المدرسية المسئولة عن تنفيذ سياسات العملية التعليمية، وتوجيه المدرسة نحو تحقيق أهدافها،كما يتناول هذا البحث التطور الحادث للإدارة التعليمية ليتناسب مع التطور الذي يحدث للمجتمع.كمايهدف الى معرفة دور الادارة المدرسية في تفعيل العملية التعليمية، وخلص البحث الى تحديد الشروط اللازمة لتحقيق الادارة المدرسية الى اهدافها.

عبدالخالق الاسود عمر الاصفر، (05-2021)، طرابلس: مجلة القرطاس للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية، 0

Hyperglycaemia‑Induced Contractile Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Cardiomyocyte‑Like Pulsatile Cells Derived from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Journal Article


Hyperglycaemia, a key metabolic abnormality in diabetes mellitus, is implicated in pathological cardiogenesis during embryological development. However, the underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets remain unknown. We, therefore, studied the effect of hyperglycaemia on mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) cardiac differentiation. The mESCs were differentiated via embryoid body (EB) formation and cultured under conditions with baseline (25 mM) or high (50 mM) glucose. Time-lapse microscopy images of pulsatile mESCs and Ca2+ntransients were recorded. Biomarkers of cellular changes were detected using immunocytochemistry, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assay, and Western blot analyses. Differentiated, spontaneously beating mESCs stained positive for cardiac troponin T, α-actinin 2,nmyosin heavy chain, and connexin 43. Hyperglycaemia decreased the EB diameter and number of beating EBs as well asnthe cellular amplitude of contraction, the Ca2+ transient, and the contractile response to caffeine (1 mM), but had no effect. on the expression of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium transport ATPase 2 (SERCA 2). Furthermore, hyperglycaemia decreased the expression of B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and increased the expression of cytoplasmic cytochrome c and the number of TUNEL-positive cells, but had no effect on the expression of one of the mitochondrial fusion regulatory proteins, optic atrophy protein 1 (OPA1). Overall, hyperglycaemia suppressed the mESC cardiomyocyte-like differentiation and induced contractile dysfunction. The results are consistent with mechanisms involving abnormal Ca2+ handling and mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis, factors which represent potential therapeutic targets in developmental diabetic cardiac disease.

Hamida Abdalla Alrheebi Aboalgasm, (05-2021), South Africa: university of cape town, 2

Barrier height nature and photovoltaic properties of (2-(2-(2-nitrophenyl)diazenyl)malononitrile)/p-Si heterojunction
Journal Article

Small molecule, (2-(2-(2-nitrophenyl)diazenyl)malononitrile) (NPDAM), is synthesized and its chemical structure is characterized by different analyses. NPDAM powder is identified as polycrystalline monoclinic structure, whereas the thermally deposited films have nanostructure character with average particle size of 39 nm. NPDAM films are utilized for manufacturing hybrid solar cells in the structure of Au/NPDAM/p-Si/Al. The dark current-voltage (I-V) curves of the diode are measured in the temperature range 303-383 K and the thermionic emission theory is employed to extract the ideality factor, n, and potential barrier height, ∅ at forward applied voltages of V≤0.20 volt. The n value increases, whereas the ∅ value decreases with decreasing temperature. This behavior is analyzed in terms of the lateral inhomogeneous barrier following Gaussian distribution at the NPDAM/p-Si interface. Cheung and Cheung functions are used for extracting the values of series resistance, Rs, n and ∅. The behavior of these parameters as a function of temperature is discussed. At forward applied voltages 0.20<V≤2, the I-V relation reveals crossover from thermionic emission to square power law. This behavior is discussed by means of the space charge limited current. Under illumination, the device exhibits a response to light exposure with a photoelectrical conversion efficiency of 2.91 %.

Hagar Hussien Hussien Nawar, (04-2021), Surfaces and interfaces: Elsevier, 23

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater aquifers in Azintan, Northwestern Libya
Journal Article

The groundwater aquifers in Azintan, northwestern Libya suffer from an acute shortage of water. The groundwater was evaluated to determine its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes from major two aquifers in north and south of Azintan area. This study carried out to assess the groundwater quality and to identify major affecting variables. Twelve samples from the two aquifers were collected. The two aquifers were collected and analyzed for total dissolved solid (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, SO42-, CO32- and HCO3-. The results show that, the groundwater in many places is dominated by higher concentrations of Cl-, SO42- and HCO3-. Two water types were recognized in this region are Cl-SO4-Na-Ca and Cl-SO4-Na. Gibbs and Piper method, as well as the hardness, soluble sodium percentage and the permeability index all have been used to assess the diagram quality of the groundwater of aquifers. Further, the multiple correlations and Cluster Analysis of groundwater quality parameters were carried out for further classification and interpretation of the groundwater quality. Finally, water qualities in the study area are compared with Libyan standards and WHO guidelines of drinking water and irrigation purposes.

Ali Salem Ali Ben sera, (04-2021), مجلة الجبل جامعة الزنتان: مجلة الجبل العلمية, 3