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Efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot under Precommitment

We consider a differentiated duopoly where firms invest in research and development (R&D) to reduce their production cost. We show that if the firms play a one stage game, i.e., they choose R&D and price (in Bertrand game) or quantity (in Cournot game)at the same time, then the usual result stating that Bertrand competition is more efficient than Cournot competition still holds.

Michèle Breton, Abdalla Turki, Georges Zaccour, (01-2005), Game Theory and Applications, 10, 31–38, 2005: springer,

Dynamic Model of R&D, Spillovers, and Efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot Equilibria
Journal Article

Using an infinite-horizon two-player differential game, we derive and compare Bertrand and Cournot equilibria for a differentiated duopoly engaging in the process of R&D competition. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, Bertrand competition is more efficient if either R&D productivity is low or products are very different. Second, Cournot competition is more efficient provided that R&D productivity is high, products are close substitutes, and spillovers are not close to zero. This last result is different from what has been obtained in the literature. Hence, this shows that considering a dynamic model and more general investment costs does have an impact on the efficiency results.

M. Breton, . A. Turki, G. Zaccour, (10-2004), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications: SPRINGER LINK, -1

تطور المؤسسة العسكرية في دولتي المرابطين والموحدين
رسالة ماجستير

تتناول هذه الرسالة تطور المؤسسة العسكرية في دولتي المرابطين والموحدين،ولقد تمثلت تلك المؤسسة في الجيش والأسطول والمنشآت الدفاعية.

سالم ابو القاسم محمد غومة، (05-2003)، جامعة طرابلس (الفاتح سابقا): قسم العمل الاجتماعى شعبة الحضارات المقارنة،

Effect of Nifedipine on Alprazolam-induced Anxiolysis and Brain GABA Level Changes in Albino Rats
Journal Article

Objective: The present study investigates the effects of alprazolam (ALP) and nifedipine alone or in combination on behavior and on g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels, in discrete brain regions of albino rats.

Methods: The anxiolytic effect was studied using a plus maze model and brain levels of GABA were measured using high performance liquid chromatography. Four acute treatment groups of rats were used. In the first they were treated with 1% Tween 80 (1ml/kg), in the second with nifedipine (10mg/kg), in the third with ALP (2mg/kg) and in the fourth with ALP in addition to nifedipine in the respective doses. The work was carried out at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya in the first half of 2002.

Results: The results indicate that the anxiolytic effect of ALP was not modified by nifedipine. Nifedipine by itself significantly decreased the motor activity (decrease in total lines crossed), this effect was apparently antagonized by ALP. Alprazolam administration produced an increase of GABA levels in cerebellum and striatum and a decrease in the brain stem. Nifedipine per-se had no effect on GABA levels in the brain stem but it partially antagonized ALP-induced inhibitory effect on GABA in this region. Alprazolam significantly increased GABA levels in the striatum, while nifedipine alone had no effect on neurotransmitter levels and did not modify the ALP effect in this brain region. Alprazolam or nifedipine had no significant effect on GABA levels in midbrain, cerebral cortex and whole brain. There were no significant changes in GABA levels in midbrain and whole brain with drug combination. However, the combination decreased GABA levels significantly in the cerebral cortex.

Conclusion: It may be concluded that, the anxiolytic effect of ALP possibly occurs through changes in brain GABA levels (an increase in cerebellum and striatum with a decrease in brain stem). The effect was not modified by nifedipine which per se had no affect on GABA levels in any brain area. The significant decrease in GABA levels in cerebral cortex by ALP-nifedipine combination may be due to the mutual closure of calcium channel (mentioned in literature) resulting in inhibition of the EAA-ergic input to GABA-ergic neuron.

Issa Emhemmed Alemyani Amara, (04-2003), المؤتمر الثالث للعلوم الصيدلانية أ سيوط / مصر: Neurosciences Journal , Riyadh KSA, 2