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The end of the visit of the delegation of Zintan University to the Arab Republic of Egypt

Home // News // The end of the visit of the delegation of Zintan University to the Arab Republic of Egypt
20 Apr, 2024 0 Comment 249 Views

The end of the visit of the delegation of Zintan University to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

His Excellency Ambassador Mohamed Abdel Ali Mesbah, Chargé d'Affaires of the Libyan Embassy in Cairo, received in his office on Thursday, April 18, 2024, the President of the University, and the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting at Zintan University, in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Akreem, Assistant Cultural and Academic Attaché at the Embassy. This was on the sidelines of the visit of the delegation of Zintan University to the Arab Republic of Egypt on an official mission to conclude a scientific cooperation partnership with a number of Egyptian universities.

At the beginning of the meeting, HE the Ambassador welcomed the delegation, stressing the embassy's keenness to provide possible support and facilities for the success of its mission.

For his part, Dr. Mohamed Daqali, President of Zintan University, thanked and appreciated His Excellency the Ambassador and the members of the Cultural and Academic Attaché for the efforts made, and pointed out that he discussed during his visit to a number of Egyptian universities the signing of cooperation protocols in the scientific, research, academic, cultural and knowledge fields, exchange of experiences, participation in conferences, seminars, seminars, workshops and scientific activities, and participation in the implementation of joint supervision of master's and doctoral theses, and stressed that he was welcomed and keen by Egyptian universities to Consolidation on


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