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President of Zintan University on a Working Visit to Tanta University, Egypt

Home // News // President of Zintan University on a Working Visit to Tanta University, Egypt
20 Apr, 2024 0 Comment 254 Views

President of Zintan University on a Working Visit to Tanta University, Egypt.

In a working visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt and in coordination with the Libyan Cultural Attaché in Cairo, the President of the University and his accompanying delegation visited Tanta University on Wednesday morning, 17/4/2024, and the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement took place in the presence of the President of Tanta University, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Zaki, the Director of the Office of International Relations and Expatriates Affairs at the university, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Shakel, the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Hatem El-Sayed Amin, and from the University of Zintan, the President of the University and the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting in Al-Rujban and Dr. Ahmed Al-Fitouri, Cultural Attaché at the Libyan Embassy in Cairo.

Then followed by a field visit to the faculties of medicine, commerce and science, language and postgraduate centers, and the main center for international relations and expatriate affairs, in order to determine the capabilities of the university and the extent of benefit from it in various scientific and training fields.

Coordination was made to form a follow-up committee and implement the terms of this important agreement that will serve Zintan University.

It is worth mentioning that Tanta University is one of the distinguished Egyptian universities with QS and Shanghai classifications. .


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