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26 Apr, 2024 University of Zintan


The Information and Documentation Center at the University invites

Dear Faculty Members... Teaching assistants... Staff... Students.

To join the following platforms to follow everything related to the new electronic system:

1- The university's Facebook group.....

All details and updates of the new system will be published. You can join through the following link:

2- The university's YouTube channel.

Which will provide a series of video tutorials to explain how to use the system.

Subscribe to the channel via the following link to stay up to date with all new (

We encourage everyone to make use of these resources to ensure efficient and convenient use of the new electronic system.

Dear Faculty Members... Teaching assistants... Staff... Students.

To join the following platforms to follow everything related to the new electronic system:

1- The university's Facebook group.....

All details and updates of the new system will be published. You can join through the following link
