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Program content
8 Terms
General credits
Elective credits
Compulsory credits
Total credits
Subject code | Subject name | Credits | Subject type | Subject prerequisites |
ARIS.101 | Islamic studies1 | 1 | General | - |
The student is exposed to many topics related to Islamic culture that lead to consolidating the principles of Islam, believing in its ideals, understanding its systems, and helping him to contribute to the practical and technical renaissance. Through them, he learns about the proper and correct approach for a Muslim to deal with his era with its gifts and challenges, and strengthens the connection with the past and other cultures, and aspires to On how Islam dealt with various aspects related to the person himself or society |
ARIS102 | Islamic studies2 | 1 | General | ARIS.101 |
Studies 2 This course is a university requirement, and it provides the student with many topics related to Islamic culture that lead to consolidating the principles of Islam, believing in its ideals, its systems, and helping him to contribute to the renaissance and technology. Through it, he learns about the proper and correct approach for a Muslim to deal with his era with its gifts and challenges, and strengthens the connection with the past and others. From other cultures, it looks at how Islam dealt with various aspects related to the person himself or society in terms of belief, worship, transactions, and personal status. |
ATIS103 | Arabic language1 | 2 | General | - |
The course introduces the student to the skills of reading, expressing and writing, recognizes common spelling errors, masters the use of punctuation marks, recognizes their effect and those involved, in addition to using rhetorical methods in accordance with basic grammar principles |
ARIS104 | Arabic language2 | 2 | General | ATIS103 |
The course introduces the student to the skill of introducing the course and the topics it includes to introduce the nature of the course. He studies Arabic writing and its concept. He knows the Arabic letter, the hamzat al-wasl, qat`, alif, and others related to Arabic writing. He also learns about functional writing of its types and the art of speech and its benefits. |
CS100 | Computer1 | 1 | Compulsory | - |
This course covers the basic skills and main concepts related to information and communications technology, computers, equipment and software, and is considered an introduction to the basic concepts and skills related to using devices, creating and managing files, networks and information security. |
CS101 | Computer2 | 1 | Compulsory | CS100 |
This course covers the basic skills and key concepts related to using spreadsheets and using standard mathematical formulas and functions, in addition to the basic concepts and skills needed to work with presentation software to create and use presentations. |
RN100 | English language1 | 2 | General | - |
This course deals with the basic grammatical rules of the English language and how to use them, the basic tenses, how to put sentences in interrogatives and negations, language expressions in daily conversations, and how to write sentences in English with correct spelling and grammar. |
EN101 | English language2 | 2 | General | RN100 |
Developing the student’s ability to communicate effectively in writing in English to provide the student with linguistic skills (reading and writing) that enable them to use the language correctly. ) |
NL100 | National culture | 2 | General | - |
The course contributes to strengthening the Libyan identity and forming the student’s national cultural awareness, by clarifying the status and location of Libya, and its ancient and modern role. It also seeks to instill the national spirit and pride in belonging to the homeland. |
ARIS106 | Arabic language4 | 1 | General | ARIS105 |
This course studies Arabic writing and its concept, knowledge of the Arabic letter, the hamzat al-wasl, qat`, alif, and others related to Arabic writing. It also learns about functional writing of its types and the art of the essay and its benefits. |
ST100 | Principles of Statistics | 2 | Supportive | - |
This course presents some general statistical concepts, graphical presentation of statistical data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, and regression. |
EPSY100 | General psychology | 2 | General | - |
course aims to provide the student teacher with knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through familiarization with the principles of general psychology: the concept of psychology, the historical stages it has passed through, its importance and goals, its most important theoretical and applied branches, its basic curricula, its most important traditional and contemporary schools, and basic determinants such as human behavior, motivations, and their classifications. The various variables, the relationship of motivation and motivation to an individual’s achievement and achievement, and the most important basic cognitive variables that shape human behavior, including feeling, belonging, perception, remembering, learning, and intelligenc. |
EPSY101 | education basics | 2 | General | - |
Providing the student teacher with knowledge and skills, and giving him the values and attitudes that contribute to his preparation and qualification for the teaching profession through learning about the concepts of education, its patterns, characteristics and functions, and being informed of the educational opinions and ideas advocated by scholars throughout the ages, and highlighting the role of Islamic education and its educational philosophy by presenting examples of the media of thought. Islamic studies, learning about educational philosophies and their implications on the educational system, and identifying the cultural and social foundations. |
EPSY201 | General teaching strategies | 2 | General | EPSY101 |
Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession, helping them to know the nature of the teaching-learning process, understanding the relationship between different teaching situations, and providing them with the most important modern teaching strategies that make the learner the focus of the educational process. Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attius of the Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession, helping them to know the nature of the teaching-learning process, understanding the relationship between different teaching situations, and providing them with the most important modern teaching strategies that make the learner the focus of the educational process. Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession, helping them to know the nature of the teaching-learning process, understanding the relationship between different teaching situations, and providing them with the most important modern teaching strategies that make the learner the focus of the educational process. Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession, helping them to know the nature of the teaching-learning process, understanding the relationship between different teaching situations, and providing them with the most important modern teaching strategies that make the learner the focus of the educational process. Providing the student teacher with the knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes required by the modern teaching profession And the skills, values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession, helping them to know the nature of the teaching-learning process, understanding the relationship between different teaching situations, and providing them with the most important modern teaching strategies that make the learner the focus of the educational process. 9 |
EPSY202 | Curriculum foundations | 2 | General | - |
Providing the student with knowledge, skills, and attitudes about the curriculum in terms of its origin, development, significance, and meaning (conceptual definitions), the components of the educational curriculum, the foundations of its construction, and the characteristics of the modern curriculum, its organizations, and models, leading to the development of the curriculum |
EPSY203 | Educational self-confidenc | 2 | General | EPSY100 |
course deals with the study of the subject of educational psychology and its importance in the educational process, with a focus on educational goals, their levels and formulation. It also addresses the definition of psychological development and its role in the educational process, mental development according to Piaget, and emotional and social development according to Erikson. |
EPSY301 | Educational research methods | 2 | General | - |
Providing the student teacher with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes by learning about the nature of knowledge, its types and goals, distinguishing between scientific research and scientific activity and its basics, and how to approach the steps of scientific research procedurally, starting from defining the problem, passing through design, methodology, tool and measurement, all the way to writing and directing it according to scientific foundations. |
EPSY302 | Measurement and evaluation | 2 | General | ST100 |
Measurement and evaluation are among the basic skills that the teacher must master and are part of his professional behavior. Therefore, it is considered a basic educational requirement within the requirements for teacher preparation, which seeks to eliminate confusion and not confuse basic concepts such as assessment and evaluation, and also inform the student that evaluation is a means and not an end and is used for learning and for Here you notice the difference between summative evaluation and continuous evaluation. |
EPSY303 | Educational technologies | 2 | General | EPSY201 |
The vocabulary of this course is distributed into five basic axes: Communication skills, educational media, educational techniques, systems introduction, learning and e-learning, which are basic skills that are Essential for any teacher in the twenty-first century. |
EPSY401 | Psychological health | 2 | General | EPSY203 |
Providing the student teacher with knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through learning about the concept of mental health, its manifestations, and psychological adjustment from the point of view of the different psychological schools. It also examines normal behavior, abnormal behavior, manifestations of normal personality, the factors influencing it, and demonstrating the characteristics of those who suffer from mental health and others effectively. It reviews the relationship between social institutions, such as the family and civil societies, and achieving mental health in terms of the role that each of them exercises and the type of services provided by each institution. It deals with the concepts of frustration, psychological conflict, and psychological pressure and their role in mental health disorders. It also presents examples of psychological problems and disorders. |
ARIS105 | Arabic language3 | 1 | General | ARIS104 |
This course studies Arabic writing, its concept, knowledge of the Arabic letter, the hamzat al-wasl, qat`, alif, and others related to Arabic writing. It also learns about functional writing of its types, the art of the essay, and its benefits. |
EPSY | Trained administration | 2 | General | - |
Providing the student teacher with the most important knowledge, skills, values, and trends in the field of modern school administration, its technical and human requirements, its responsibilities towards its employees, and the means by which it can carry out its tasks, through studying school and classroom administration, reviewing the most important administrative patterns, and learning about the principal’s administrative and technical tasks, skills, school and classroom management processes, and their roles. In achieving a safe and attractive school environment for the learner and providing the student with the concept of technical supervision, its role in the educational process and its most important methods. |
EPSY402 | Practical education | 4 | General | EPSY401 |
الكاميرا Practical education is an educational study program through which what student teachers have learned is applied theoretically and directly in performance in educational institutions to acquire the necessary competencies to qualify them to practice the teaching task. It is a basic requirement for preparing male and female teachers for the stages of education (kindergarten, primary, secondary |
CS102 | Computer basics and programming | 3 | Compulsory | - |
The course gives a general idea of the computer science major, describes its connection to related majors, introduces the student to different methods that help programmers solve problems, uses classical mathematics problems and word problems to generate different solutions to “real-life” problems faced by the profession, and focuses on the basic concepts of problem solving and related techniques. By developing algorithms and implementing them as computer programs. |
CS113 | Logic circuits | 3 | Compulsory | CS102 |
The student is introduced to different numerical systems, the basics of logical algebra, logic gates, methods of simplifying logical functions, and methods of representing and encoding information. He focuses on how sequential synthetic circuits work and gives examples of their uses and applications. |
CS115 | Programming in C language | 3 | Compulsory | CS101 |
Programming is an increasingly important skill, whether in the field of software production or in other fields. In this course, the student learns to develop programs in the C programming language. It includes an introduction to the basic syntax of the program, printing messages, data types, expressions, variables, conditional statements, iteration statements, and the use of unary and binary array functions. Dimensions, character strings, processing strings using loops and some functions of the character and string librarystructures: structure concepts, structures for transactions and arrays of structures. |
CS200 | Object-oriented programming | 3 | Compulsory | CS115 |
The Course aims to train students in the programming style using objects, where the system is built using integrated objects that contain properties and procedures instead of writing the program using only functions and procedures. Among the topics included in the course are: The meaning of classification, class, and entity, and presents all the concepts related to this type of programming, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. The course also aims to apply these concepts. |
CS202 | Internet programming1 | 3 | Compulsory | CS102 |
The course includes principles of web page design - HTML web programming language - web page formatting using CSS. |
CS204 | Separate fittings | 3 | Compulsory | MST106 |
In this course, the student learns the foundations of logic, logical expressions and conjunctions, truth tables, logical relationships, categories, functions, sequences, mathematical deduction, mathematical induction, Frequency definitions, counting methods, Exchange and correspondence, the theory of discrete possibilities and forms. |
CS206 | Data structures | 3 | Compulsory | CS115 |
This course presents a simplified form of data structures and their practical uses. It focuses practically on writing code using JavaScript to illustrate methods for arranging data, search algorithms, and their various applications |
CS211 | Databases | 3 | Compulsory | CS204 |
Definition of database concepts, Know the types of databases, Learn about database management systems - using the SQL language to manage Data, creating and managing practical databases. |
CS213 | Computer architecture | 3 | Compulsory | CS113 |
This course includes the basic concepts of computer structure and design and includes the following topics: Types of computers_Types of central processors_Instruction set_Design of arithmetic operations in the logic unit_Design of the data path in the central processing unit. |
CS215 | Systems analysis and design | 3 | Compulsory | CS115 |
course is concerned with the basic concepts of systems analysis and design, from identifying requirements to system design. It explains the techniques and tools needed to design systems. It explains the difference between the traditional procedural school of systems design and the purpose-oriented school. Object_oriented analysis and design It uses a methodology the Unified process and its supporting UML diagrams. |
CS217 | Internet programming2 | 3 | Compulsory | CS202 |
The course includes principles of web page design - web programming languages - practical applications in one of the modern programming languages - e-commerce applications. |
CS219 | Computer teaching methods | 2 | Compulsory | EPSY303 |
The course focuses on students acquiring the most important facts, concepts, and skills related to the most important methods, means, strategies, and methods of teaching computers in the basic and secondary education stages. |
CS300 | Visual programming | 3 | Compulsory | CS200 |
The course includes the concept of visual programming - the basics of the Visual Basic 6.0 programming language It is one of the visual languages that also includes how to deal with data, its types, and how to build applications and their tools. |
CS302 | Computer networks1 | 3 | Compulsory | CS102 |
This course is considered an introduction to networking science, as it provides a general overview of networks, and describes the infrastructure and software of networks and how computers relate to each other, with the aim of helping students understand the different methods that enable computers to communicate and exchange data by transmitting it across local and wide-area networks. |
CS315 | Computer networks2 | 3 | Compulsory | CS302 |
This course is considered an introduction to networking science, as it provides an overview of the networking specialty, describes the infrastructure and software of networks, and how computers are connected to communicate and exchange data by transmitting it across local and wide-area networks. all |
CS306 | Advanced databases | 3 | Compulsory | CS211 |
The course introduces advanced topics in databases, and it is an extension of the database course, and the language of the topics contained in the course is the object model_ Entity_relationship model The standard query language is expanded to include queries from more than one table, as well as the use of stored procedures, triggers, and the creation of different database interfaces, as well as the use of complete transactions, and database security through user management. The course also introduces the student to other types of databases, such as entity databases, object_oriented databases, databases that do not rely on the standard query language NOSQL, as well as databases for mobile phones. |
CS308 | Programming in Python language | 3 | Compulsory | CS200 |
It contains a complete description of the parts of the Python language and how to write and solve programs using it. The course contains a description of the language, the capabilities it possesses, its grammatical structure, and a complete description of the operations that can be performed in it. The course describes the data structures used in the language and how to use and program them through the use of conditional statements and loops. The course also contains a complete description of functions and how to use them, as well as how to program using objects using them, in addition to how to use the ready-made libraries that it is famous for. |
MST106 | General Mathematics 2 (Linear Algebra) | 3 | Supportive | MAST100 |
This course covers matrices (their concept, types, and operations defined on them) array operations, the reduced matrix, finding the inverse of the matrix). Determinants: (definitions and concepts, properties, finding the inverse of a matrix using determinants), systems of linear equations and methods of solving them using matrices and determinants. |
CS317 | Multimedia | 3 | Compulsory | CS217 |
In this course, the student learns about the concept of multimedia, its components, the foundations of its design, and the steps of its production. And their areas of use. It also contains an explanation of multimedia elements and the foundations of their design, as well as its application In practice, to use some common programs that have been used in multimedia design. |
CS400 | Information Security | 3 | Compulsory | CS315 |
The course provides the student with basic information and concepts about information security. This includes introducing the student to potential dangers, different methods of attacking information systems, and different methods of protection. The student studies security policies, encryption methods, and the use of firewalls to secure information systems. |
CS402 | 3 | General | CS215 | |
CS404 | Cloud Computing | 3 | Compulsory | CS315 |
Identifying the information system, its components, types, and ways to harness it to support decision-making within various levels of institutional management. The course also includes presenting the risks that threaten |
CS410 | Natural language processing | 3 | Elective | - |
This course aims to present a variety of ways to represent human languages such as (English and Arabic), and how to exploit those representations to write programs that benefit things that contain data. |
CS412 | Information retrieval | 3 | Elective | - |
The course teaches students the basic principles of information retrieval, which is the basis on which search engines rely. Introducing them to the methods of searching for information contained in texts, how to index these texts, the models used to represent them, the measurements that allow determining the suitability of the results to a query for the purpose of searching for specific information, and the method of evaluating information retrieval systems and search engines. |
CS414 | Data mining | 3 | Elective | - |
The course aims to give an overview of data mining, its applications, its basic issues and tasks, types of databases and how to process data, identifying the most important functional and predictive data mining tasks and how to apply them in practice. The course aims to introduce the student to the methods used in data mining. |
CS313 | E-Learning | 3 | Compulsory | - |
This course contains the definition of e-learning, its origins, goals, functions, and advantages over traditional education, as well as its disadvantages. It also introduces the student to the techniques used in e-learning, the tools used to accomplish it, and how to prepare e-educational content, as well as the student’s knowledge of some of the programs used in this field |
CS418 | Introduction to the Internet of Things | 3 | Elective | - |
The course aims to give an overview of the Internet of Things and its importance in a highly interconnected world between various devices. It presents protocols for communicating with Internet of Things elements and simulating that using the Arduino technology. |
CS420 | Data science | 3 | Elective | - |
The course aims to give an overview of data science, its methods and algorithms, as well as the various applications to support them. |
CS416 | Machine learning | 3 | Elective | - |
It is one of the branches of artificial intelligence that provides the learning ability to computers and is concerned with designing and developing algorithms and techniques that allow the computer to have the learning property. |
CS304 | Operating Systems | 3 | Compulsory | CS213 |
This course aims to get to know the basic concepts of operating systems and includes: types of operating systems - the concept of processes and process scheduling - file management - equipment management - connecting devices and exchanging information - connecting to the Internet - practical applications. |
CS224 | School computer1 | 2 | Compulsory | CS102 |
Description A scientific critical analytical study of the topics of textbooks prescribed in science in the years (4-9) with solutions to the textbooks’ methodological exercises. |
CS324 | School computer2 | 2 | Compulsory | CS224 |
scientific critical analytical study of the topics of computer textbooks in the years (10-12) With the solution of systematic book exercises. |
CS499 | Graduation Project | 4 | Compulsory | - |
bachelor’s project is an in-depth study conducted individually or in small groups. Each project has an academic supervisor who provides guidance and assistance as needed in regular meetings. Completion of the project depends on the experience that the student has already gained during previous semesters. The goal is to develop his abilities to plan and design. By implementing a program and preparing reports on it, the project will provide an opportunity for creativity and develop the student’s skill in finding unconventional solutions to the problems he will face in the practical aspect in the future. |
CS311 | artificial intelligence | 3 | Compulsory | CS308 |
course contains a general description of artificial intelligence and aims to provide the student with the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, how to represent knowledge, research techniques, analyze real problems, design solutions, and integrate different technologies to obtain the best performance. This course includes many topics, beginning with a brief overview of artificial intelligence, its history, the latest developments in it, ideas and techniques. The underlying principles and design of artificial intelligence systems, including problem solving, search and knowledge representation systems, neural networks, machine learning, and natural language processing, with some applications using the Python language in the field of artificial intelligence. |
CS319 | Software Engineering | 3 | Compulsory | CS215 |
course aims to introduce the science of software engineering to the student through many important topics in this field, such as: Definition of software engineering_and the difference between it and software development, how to manage software projects, software life cycle, software design patterns, software selection, documentation, and general standards for software development. E. |
MAST100 | General Sports1 | 3 | General | - |
The course provides a general study of groups, periods, and inequalities, relationships, functions, types of real algebraic functions, even and odd functions, domain and range, graphing inverse functions, non-algebraic functions, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, hyperbolic functions, and inverse hyperbolic functions. |