Certificate awarded
Bachelor of Education
Program outcomes
- Improving and developing the quality of higher education.
- Providing the students with modern educational means and advanced teaching methods in the field of English language and literature.
- Providing the students with modern educational means and advanced teaching methods in the field of English language and literature.
- Cooperation with various scientific centres
Program objectives
- Preparing and graduating excellent future English teachers, as well as increasing their efficiency, in order to fulfil labour market demands and benefit from them throughout the educational process.
- Improving students' capacity to acquire scientific research skills in English language, literature, and translation to handle problems of teaching and learning the English language in educational institutions.
- Preparing students to participate in projects that help them serve the local community.
- Raising the level of performance and providing distinguished educational and research outcomes that keep pace with quality standards in the field of the English language and are able to compete in the local labour market, scientific research, and community service through high-quality programs.
Job Market
- Improving and developing the quality of higher education.
- Providing the students with modern educational means and advanced teaching methods in the field of English language and literature.
- Working in various educational institutions.
- Cooperation with various scientific centres.
bachelor of education and Art
Program content
8 Terms
General credits
Elective credits
Compulsory credits
Total credits
Subject code | Subject name | Credits | Subject type | Subject prerequisites |
ARIS101 | Islamic Studies | 1 | General | - |
Islamic Studies (1) is one of the compulsory general academic subjects for all Bachelor’s students (first semester). It aims to study the Islamic religion in all aspects, providing students with all the information they need to understand its worship, beliefs, and dealings, and preparing researchers specialised in Islamic studies. |
ARIS103 | Arabic Language 1 | 2 | General | - |
Arabic language is a compulsory educational subject in the faculty. It aims to teach students the basic grammar of the Arabic language and develop the students’ linguistic abilities. |
CS100 | Computer science 1 | 1 | General | - |
computer science course aims to teach the university student to be familiar with the basic rules of the computer and how to deal with it in completing projects Printing matters, preparing statistics and graphs, creating presentations and designing engineering plans and others. |
EPSY100 | General psychology | 2 | General | - |
This course aims to provide the students with general concepts of psychology to prepare them to study various psychology topics in the future. The course also aims to link psychology with daily life experiences, as its study is useful in understanding behaviour and the mental processes behind it, its motives, dynamics, and effects. It is a practical study based on which various patterns can be predicted, controlled, and directed. |
NL100 | National Culture | 2 | General | - |
This subject is given to the students of the first semester and aims to strengthen the Libyan identity, enhance and raise their patriotic love, and pride of their belonging to Libya. The subject also aims to highlight Libya’s ancient and modern role towards the Arab and Islamic world and introduce the personalities who had a positive influence in Libya. It also seeks to cultivate national values with the cultural heritage and civilizational accumulation that these values carry, dating back thousands of years in historical depth. |
EN111 | Listening and Speaking 1 | 5 | Compulsory | - |
Developing listening skills is an ongoing process. Although this material is presented at level 5/6, all learners, no matter what their level, can benefit from participating in listening activities. Listening skills can be improved when learners understand that reading comprehension skills can be applied to listening tasks (context, inference, etc.,). Listening to (and watching) news broadcasts, informational programming, and even situation comedies will develop listening skills, note taking skills, and general knowledge |
EN121 | Reading Comprehension 1 | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course exposes students to understanding basic skills of second/foreign language reading comprehension. Students should know general principles about reading a second or foreign language and develop their fluency. Moreover, they should recognize stages of reading development. The first goal of this course is to discover whether the students succeeded in increasing their English vocabulary. This means that students will be exposed to different eras related to the English language and how the participants in changing the English language and how they participate in changing the English language. The second goal is to investigate whether the students understand texts or not. The other goal is to understand how these variations and text variables help build up the English language. However, this module takes students to comprehend the basic steps of the development of the English language, not just learn the grammatical patterns at the utterance level |
EN131 | Writing 1 | 4 | Compulsory | - |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of writing and basic skills in writing academic paragraphs, while introducing different rhetorical modes. By studying this course, the students will be able to write grammatically correct sentences, different parts and types of paragraphs etc. Above all, this course will develop their free-handwriting skill. |
EN141 | Grammar 1 | 4 | Compulsory | - |
This course introduces grammar in realistic contexts through an integrated approach to all skill areas as students read, write, listen, and speak; preparing students to use and understand English authentic communication. Grammar 1 teaches students to use the language appropriately in meaningful situations to perform not only forms but also functions, such as accepting or rejecting an invitation, or providing and getting information. It is built around topics rather than grammar rules. Based on the appropriate grammar approach to teaching foreign languages. Introducing structures is not supposed to be taught in isolation but integrated into the four language skills. Therefore, this course prepares students to practice grammatical structure both orally and in written form to study grammar 2. Students must understand a grammatical structure and be able to use it in a variety of situations spontaneously and not just learn the grammatical patterns at the utterance level. |
EN151 | Phonetics 1 | 6 | Compulsory | - |
This course of Phonetics is prepared to update students on what is needed to improve their pronunciation in English. It is the study of how humans produce and perceive sounds. Students are trained to be articulate and improve their pronunciation in English by introducing them to all sounds, consonants, and vowels. However, This module deals with the linguistic study of speech. It covers how speech sounds are produced and perceived and their acoustic characteristics. Emphasis will be placed on the sound system of English (including dialectal variation) but the basics of sound systems across the world's languages will also be briefly covered and contrasted with English. Finally, the course will cover the differences between the traditional "static" view of speech sounds as articulatory postures and the organization of running speech |
ARIS102 | Islamic Studies 2 | 1 | General | ARIS101 |
Islamic Studies 2 |
ARIS104 | Arabic Language 2 | 2 | General | ARIS103 |
Arabic Language 2 |
CS101 | Computer science 2 | 2 | General | CS100 |
Computer science 2 |
EPSY101 | Education Basics | 2 | General | - |
Education Basics |
ST100 | Introduction to Statistics | 1 | General | - |
Introduction to Statistics |
EN112 | Listening and Speaking 2 | 4 | Compulsory | EN111 |
The course is about how to communicate effectively. Communication is a multi-step process that requires at least two people To be able to communicate successfully. All communication is incomplete until someone has received and correctly understood the sender's ideas. Would you accomplish anything if you wrote a complaint letter and never mailed it, or talked into a disconnected telephone? Thus, this English course focuses most on building speaking and listening skills. The two other ways of communicating are also important, yet they are seldom taught. This module focuses on the information you need to make oral communications (speaking and listening) useful tools in your everyday life, at home, at work, and in the community |
EN122 | Reading Comprehension 2 | 2 | Compulsory | EN121 |
This course develops reading skills, builds vocabulary, and makes reading. more enjoyable. The reading passages are taken not only from magazines and newspapers, but also from popular classic stories. These extracts, specially adapted for learners of English, provide a practical way to introduce extensive reading into the classroom. |
EN132 | Writing 2 | 4 | Compulsory | EN131 |
Writing 2 |
EN142 | Grammar 2 | 4 | Compulsory | EN141 |
This course is a continuation of Grammar 1. It introduces Grammar in more advanced interactional situations. Its contents include Grammatical items that have not been studied in Grammar 1, but all built upon a real understanding of what has already been introduced in Grammar 1. Its contexts use an integrated approach to all skill areas as students read, write, listen, and speak. They are prepared to use and understand English authentic communicative situations to use the language appropriately in meaningful situations to perform not only forms but also functions, The topics included are built around the real authentic, interactional situation. Based on the communicative grammar approach to teaching second or foreign languages, language structures are not supposed to be taught in isolation but integrated into the four language skills. Therefore, this course prepares students to practice grammatical structure both orally and in written form. Students must understand a grammatical structure and be able to use it in a variety of situations spontaneously and not just learn the grammatical patterns at the utterance All what is done should be built on what was done in English Grammar 1. |
EN152 | Phonetics 2 | 6 | Compulsory | EN151 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the suprasegmental features of phonology starting from the very concept of the syllable to word stress in simple, compound, and complex and how weak forms are pronounced in a sentence etc. Additionally, concepts related to rhythm, assimilation, linking and elision, intonation and its functions are presented too. By studying this course, the students will be able to improve their pronunciation skills and acquire the native accent. |
EN213 | Listening and Speaking 3 | 3 | Compulsory | EN112 |
This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding and using of conversational language in different topics. The course also focuses on how the students are able to express themselves in different situations such as presentation in the class or before an audience, comprehend main ideas and details of a discussion. |
EN223 | Reading Comprehension 3 | 2 | Compulsory | EN122 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of critical reading comprehension. The students are exposed to various passages from authentic sources and activities that involve reading skills development, vocabulary building, grammatical analysis and practice, and thought-provoking discussion and writing etc. |
EN233 | Writing 3 | 3 | Compulsory | EN132 |
his course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the writing skills in a graded way. It focuses on the content, structure, and organization of academic essays. Students work to correctly incorporate research into essays. Advanced sentence structures, summarizing, paraphrasing, and proof-reading skills are addressed. By studying this course, the students will be able to upgrade skills in academic writing conventions and equip them with a firm understanding of the process of writing a research paper at the graduate level. Above all, this course will develop their free- handwriting skill. |
EN243 | Grammar 3 | 2 | Compulsory | EN142 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental knowledge and usage of advanced English grammar, improving grammatical accuracy in writing, and developing strong editing skills etc. Additionally, different types of prepositions and models are focused. By studying this course, the students will be able to frame phrase and sentence constructions on their own and use different English expressions involving them in participatory learning process. |
EN216 | Oral Presentation Skills | 2 | Compulsory | EN152 |
Sudents are introduced to a variety of general and specific topics and dialogues that are designed to be discussed and presented by both the teacher and students. All topics should be prepared and presented via PowerPoint presentations with relevant illustrations and audiovisual material. Parts of the course material are provided to students to prepare and present in the lectures. The activities to be undertaken in class include: 1. Utilizing body language. 2. Note taking. 3. Presenting & explaining. 4. Rehearsing in groups. |
EN253 | Introduction to Linguistics | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course provides an introduction to the discipline of Linguistics. Students will learn the basic concepts and methods used by linguists in the scientific study of human language. While many key aspects will be illustrated using evidence derived primarily from English, the evidence will be discussed from a variety of languages in order to better demonstrate the richness of linguistic diversity. Students will become familiar with how linguists' approach and analyze language in primary fields of linguistic analysis such as morphology (word structure), syntax (phrases and sentences), semantics (meaning), phonetics (types of sound), and phonology (rules of phonetic processes), and pragmatics (Language in use). |
EN214 | Listening and Speaking 4 | 4 | Compulsory | EN111, EN213 |
This is an advanced level lecture-style course in communicative English that provides listening and speaking practice for students. This course contains listening selections and discussion activities related to a range of academic areas. It provides strategies for academic listening, note-taking, and discussions and prepares them to be in academic lectures more skilful confident participants. |
EN224 | Reading Comprehension 4 | 2 | Compulsory | EN223 |
The purpose of this course is to improve students' reading skills through the practice of vocabulary enrichment, reading comprehension exercises, speed reading strategies, written responses, discussions and reflections. |
EN234 | Creative Writing | 3 | Compulsory | EN233 |
This course discusses where creative writing comes from, the various forms it has taken, and why we teach and learn the arts of creative nonfiction. It looks at creative writing in performance, as public art, as visual art, as literature and as an act of community. Then, students practise writing about books/films and short stories. |
EN244 | Grammar 4 | 2 | Compulsory | EN141, EN142, EN243 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of structure of English grammar. The topics include the structure of English (words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), sentence structure problems, agreement errors, etc. |
EN254 | English Literature | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course introduces students to the concept of literature and prepares them to study different genres of English literature. It includes definition of Literature, scope and relevance of studying literature, genres of literature, and significant features of each genre with examples of texts; description of major literary devices, techniques and terms. It also includes different ages of English literature; special features of each period with examples of texts and authors; brief review of World literatures in English. |
EN326 | Critical Reading | 2 | Compulsory | EN224 |
This course focuses on critical reading of arguments in order to analyze their effectiveness and to help students learn to think and write analytically about what they read. Further, reading critically trains students to construct their own point of views and assess what they read effectively. |
EN345 | Grammatical structure | 2 | Compulsory | EN244 |
This course discusses a number of grammatical rules in depth. It provides lots of practice and clear explanations for absolute constructions, abstract noun phrases and appositive phrases. |
EN355 | Research Method | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course will provide an opportunity for students to establish or advance their understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Students will use these theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment. |
EN361 | Methods of Teaching | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course is designed to help students put instructional theory into practice. It will provide an integrated coverage of methods of classroom instruction, management, and assessment. The methodology of the course will include practicum, lesson construction, practice teaching, in class exercises, discussion of readings, and exams. Students should leave feeling well prepared in the art and science of teaching and be competent in several critical teaching practices. |
EN362 | Assessment and Evaluation | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of the advantages of a valid and reliable test, approaches needed for evaluation, analyze ways on how to assess properly the four basic language skills and demonstrate the ways to revise assess testing tools. |
EN357 | Syllabus design | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course is an overview of design principles and practices common to most design professions, to give students a foundation understanding of design rules, and guidelines that they can use throughout their education and career pursuits. Students will learn the language of syllabus design, how to think like a syllabus designer, how to judge between good and bad design execution, and where to go for additional resources of specialized design practice. It provides students with knowledge and skills to approach or review the design and development of language teaching syllabi. It promotes students' understanding of the relationships between the syllabus and the curriculum, and with other aspects of teaching and learning, and explore the challenges of syllabus design. It also focuses on explaining the role of the coursebook, learning objectives and assessment outcomes in syllabus design |
EN358 | Varieties of English | 4 | Compulsory | EN361 |
This course aims to provide students with the variations of the English. language, and how this language has become a global language adopted by its speakers and adapted to their culture and environment to it. The course provides a brief idea of the English language in different parts of the world. Thus, the learner will be able to communicate successfully with all English speakers around the world. The course, also, discusses accents and dialects; and phonetic, grammatical and orthographic differences of the English language in different regions. |
EN359 | Translation | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course aims to teach the student the basics of translation from and into the English language, by developing appropriate skills and teaching successful techniques. The course also aims to educate students about the importance of mastering translation for an English language teacher. |
EN363 | Introduction to Second Language Acquisition | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course is intended to equip students with theories of Second Language acquisition. It introduces important theories and research findings concerning the various aspects of learning English as a second language (ESL). The early sessions of the course trace the early developments of SLA as a discipline. These are then followed by examining individual learner differences that can affect second language acquisition, such as age, intelligence, creativity, language aptitude, mindset, motivation, learning strategies, learner beliefs, social context etc. This course helps students to gain a comprehensive understanding of how languages are learned, and what major factors (both internal and external) can influence this learning process. |
EN364 | Teaching English for Young Learners | 2 | Compulsory | EN361 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of how young learners learn and acquire second languages such as the notion of the language acquisition device, the critical period hypothesis and social constructivist theories of language learning. Building on the theoretical perspectives explored, students consider principles for developing curriculum frameworks including syllabus and materials design and classroom methodology. Students also have opportunities to investigate and critically evaluate published resources aimed at teaching languages to young learners as well as how assessment and evaluation in TEYL can be carried out. Students will apply knowledge of the principles and practices to a range of practical teaching contexts. This course is aimed at developing teachers as reflective and responsive practitioners. |
EN365 | Instructional Strategies | 2 | Compulsory | EN361 |
After the students have passed the English language teaching methods, this course opens up other horizons in teaching English by focusing on developing the basic and secondary skills of the English language. Developing the skills of teaching strategies and techniques, prepares the students to be successful teachers in the future. |
EN466 | Teaching English for specific purposes | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of ESP in English and opens up other horizons in ESP also focusing on developing the skills to differentiate between different parts of ESP et |
EN467 | Creating Personal Teaching Aids | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course introduces students to teaching aids use and creation. It starts by introducing the different types of teaching aids. Then it teaches them how to be creative in language classroom by using different strategies and techniques |
EN426 | Vocabulary Development | 2 | Compulsory | EN326 |
Vocabulary Studies is a fundamental English/Language course that focuses on helping students improve and understand vocabulary words by examination of Greek and Latin bases of words, recognition of word parts such as prefixes and suffixes, and looking at the etymological, or root, meanings of words. Students will recognize relationships between words (analogies, synonyms, and antonyms), as well as mastering difficult or confusing words (homonyms, homophones, and homographs). Students will also learn to break down challenging words into parts and to derive meaning of vocabulary words from context. |
EN459 | Using Technology in Teaching | 2 | Compulsory | EN361 |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of computer-enhanced language teaching through various applications and websites for Language Learning proficiency to make certain aspects of student learning more engaging, efficient, and useful. The course will cover CALL-related concepts such as: finding and evaluating CALL resources, computer-mediated communication, CALL and language skills, environments, materials, activities, CALL theory and research, professional development and learner training, and current trends and future directions in CALL............etc. |
EN469 | Teaching English Language Skills | 2 | Compulsory | EN361 |
This course shows students how to teach pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. It also provides students with basic classroom suggestions for teaching the basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. |
EN468 | Micro Teaching | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course is mainly theoretical, focusing on the student teaching in a small scale (10-20 minutes' duration). Students are required to develop their own lesson plans to practice what they have learned from the TEFL Methodology and English Instructional Technology courses. The teaching and learning processes are designed to follow the Secondary School (Junior and Senior) School Syllabuses. Each student is required to do the practice teaching at least 6 times. Components to be assessed include the lesson plan, class management, the implementation of the lesson plan (opening the lesson, teaching-learning activities and the use of media to support them, closing the lesson) and student teachers performance (movements, voice). |
EN480 | Teaching Practice | 4 | Compulsory | - |
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of the nature of teaching practice and trains students to learn how to teach' it helps them to master the basic principles of working in a language classroom, shows them how to plan successful lesson and how to use material to make their lessons more interesting, and improves students' self- confidence as teachers of English. have the opportunity to practice teaching in a safe environment, increase students' marketability as EFL teachers and make their more competitive in the job market in Libya.. |
EN490 | Graduation Project | 4 | Compulsory | - |
EN303 | School Book | 4 | Compulsory | - |
A critical analytical scientific study of the topics of the prescribed books in English language over the years. (4-9). With the solution of the exercises from the curriculum books |
EN304 | School Book 1 | 4 | Compulsory | EN303 |
A critical analytical scientific study of the topics of the prescribed books in English over the years (10-12), with answers of the exercises from the curriculum books. |
EPSY201 | 2 | General | EPSY101 | |
It is a general subject taught in the third semester. The students acquire some of the cognitive, emotional, and skill aspects of education related to teaching and its methods that help them in teaching the general education curricula. |
EPSY301 | Educational Research Methods | 2 | General | - |
A general subject taught in the seventh semester, which gives the student the skills of preparing educational research according to scientific foundations, training the student to prepare a detailed plan for educational research, and helping the student to highlight the role of educational research in improving and developing the educational process, identifying sources of information, measurement methods, and educational research tools, Training students on how to scientifically document educational research and others. |
ARIS105 | Arabic Language 3 | 1 | General | - |
A general subject taught in the third semester. It is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic, grammatical, morphological, and orthographic skills and applying them to Qur’anic and poetic texts. |
ARIS106 | Arabic Language 4 | 1 | General | ARIS105 |
It is a general subject taught in the fourth semester. It is complementary to a course for an integrated curriculum. This subject is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic skills, especially grammatical ones, through the application of some Qur’anic and poetic texts. |
EPSY302 | Educational Evaluation & Assessment | 2 | General | - |
it is a general subject taught in the seventh semester. It aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, and types, and how to build a table of specifications, and train student teachers on building evaluation tools, their types, methods of preparing them, their disadvantages and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation. |
EPSY202 | Foundations of Curricula | 2 | General | - |
It is a general subject taught in the third semester. It aims to enable the student to distinguish between traditional and modern approaches to the concept of the curriculum, introduce him to the elements of the curriculum, introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher’s role in it, as well as the foundations upon which the curriculum is based in the various stages of education, and introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, as well as The course aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system. |
EN235 | Academic Writing | 2 | Compulsory | EN234 |
It is a specialized subject taught in the fifth semester, which aims to develop students’ skills in the field of academic writing. The course covers wide parts of scientific research skills and also works to enlighten students with various academic writing skills, such as rephrasing sentences, how to describe numerical data, and quoting from other sources. How to arrange sources in scientific research. |
EPSY303 | Educational Techniques | 2 | General | EPSY201 |
It is a general subject taught in the fifth semester, that aims to provide the dog with knowledge of educational and communication technologies, the rules for their use and preparation, and modern trends in them. |
EPSY203 | Educational psychology | 2 | General | EPSY100 |
it is a general subject taught in the fourth semester. It aims for the student to be able to identify concepts related to educational psychology, to be able to clarify the relationship that links educational psychology to motivations and mental abilities, and to use self-learning methods and skills in tracking everything new in the field of educational psychology. |
EPSY400 | School administration | 2 | General | - |
It is a general subject taught in the sixth semester. It aims to define school administration, the school principal (his qualities, duties, selection, and preparation), the qualities of the school principal, and the responsibilities and tasks of the school principal. The skills required for a school principal, choosing a school principal, and preparing a school principal. Function and operations of school administration. In addition to defining planning, its importance and objectives,. reparing the school’s educational plan. |
EPSY401 | Psychological Health | 2 | General | EPSY203 |
It is a general subject taught in the sixth semester and aims to identify the concepts of mental health, mental illness, and the concepts associated with them. Providing learners with theoretical and practical information that enables them to raise the level of mental health. Providing learners with information on psychological counseling and educational guidance by identifying the nature of psychological problems and general behavioral deviations, and realizing the relationship between the learner’s psychological adjustment. |