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A new scientific achievement for Zintan University

Home // News // A new scientific achievement for Zintan University
02 May, 2024 0 Comment 1040 Views

A new scientific achievement for Zintan University.

Teaching assistant Mohamed Ahmed Amer Mhamed Department of Botany, Faculty of Science

Some samples were deposited in the Natural History Museum in Switzerland in the name of the Teaching assistant Muhammad Ahmed Amer Mhamed in the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Zintan University

Where the deposit of an insect sample of the family of scatopsidae that was found to infect truffles in a state of contamination is considered new and a new registration and a research paper was made to form a Libyan team (from the University of Zintan) and from the State of Spain and from the State of Switzerland and the paper will be published soon hopefully

Importantly, and because this discovery is considered recent, these samples have been kept in the holdings of the Natural History Museum in Switzerland, which is the largest museum of its kind in Switzerland, as the museum covers five floors and covers an area of 10.000 square meters. The venue has a collection of all the Swiss flora and fauna, and some flora and fauna from different regions around the world.


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