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Fatma Mosbah Ali Al gorj

Permanent Lecturer

Qualification: Doctorate

Academic rank: Lecturer

Specialization: العلوم البيولوجية - علم حيوان

- Faculty of Science - Zintan

Isolation, Definition and Chemical Control some of the Bacteria that Cause Contamination of Wall Paintings in Caves
Journal Article

Background: Caves are unique natural features and habitats where specialized organisms grow. One of the world's main concerta is that of the conservation and preservation of our cultural heritage, including rock art and wall paintings within caves.

Methoda: This study was conducted by collecting the samples scraped from wall surfaces at 19 different location in painted caves of Niah cave, Sarawak, and Tempurung cave, Perak. Morphospecies identification and genomic DNA polymorphisms were used to identify the two strains of bacteria. The growth was controlled chemical method using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCi), Calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCI)k and hydrogen peroxide (H,O.).

Results: Morphospecies identification was carried out using a light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEMi, both the bacteria, bacteria I and bacteria II were isolated from the soil samples and were Gram-negative bacteria. Based on BLAST seareh, bacteria I showed 100% with Stenotrophomonas sp (NR 024708.1), and bacteria Il showed 100% with Cryptococcus figuefasens (NR 043289. 1). The growth was controlled chemical method using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI), Calcium hypochlorite Ca/OCt and hydrogen peroxide (HOy). The laboratory studies showed that three chemical were effectively eliminated colonies/cells of the both bacteria compared to the colonies found on the control pate this study.

Keywords: - Niah cave, Tempurung cave, Stenotrophomonas sp, Cryptococcus liquefaciens.

Aisha M.A, Fatma Mosbah Ali Al gorj, (10-2019), Open Access to Pharmaceutical and Medical Research © 2013-19, publisher and licensee AJPRD, This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted n commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 7

Isolation Definition and chemical control some of the Cyanobacteria That causes contamination of wall paintings
Conference paper




natural features and habitats where specialized organists

grow. One of the world's main concerns is that of the conservation and preservation of our culturail heritage, inclading rock art and wall paintings within caves. This study was conducted by collecting the samples scraped from wall surfaces at 19 different locations in painted caves of Niah, Sarawak, and Tempurung. Perak. Phenotypic characterization was used to identify the strains of cyanobacteria. Morphospecies identification was cared out wing a light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microflora from both sampling locations was represented by three cyanobacteria morphospecies, Synechococcus sp. (18.78%), Glococapsa aeraginosa (12.20%), Chroococcus minor (4.94%) The photomicrographs of all the dominant microalgas recorded Unialgal cultures were established for Synechococcus sp. for further studies, because this species was abundant in the samples, Snechococcus sp. a cylindrical oblong elliptical unicellular or sometimes 2 to 4 cells us a result of cell division. Under SEM Synechococcur sp. cells were cylindrical to oblong 26 jun in diameter and 3.8m long. The cells were enclosed in hyaline macilage and with cells usually aggregating in large numbers to form colonies. The growth was controlled chemical method using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI), calcium hypochlorite (Ca (OCDs) and hydrogen peroxide (1,0,). The laboratory studies showed that the usatment with 5% 110,, CalOCT and NaOCt gave a significant differcace (ps0 05) on the growth

of Synechococcus sp. However, the effect of 15%

H2O2 was not significantly different (P>0.05) with Ca(OCI)2 and NaOCI at 10, 15, and 30 minutes exposure, only 5 minutes exposure was significant (pS0.05).

Keywords: Niah cave, Tempurung cave, cyanobacteria, Synechococcus, NaOCI,

H202, Ca(OCI)2..

M.A.Aisha, Fatma Mosbah Ali Al gorj, (05-2019), EPH - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE | ISSN: 2208-2182: international conference, 3