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Haneen Almabrouk Othman Alsayiq

Permanent Lecturer

Qualification: Master

Academic rank: Assistant Lecturer

Specialization: علم اللغه التطبيقي Applied Linguistic - لغة انجليزية

- Faculty of Education - Tiji

The Effectiveness Of Using Audio Visual Aids in Teaching English vocabulary for students at Primary Stage
Master Thesis


This study investigated the impact of audio-visual aids on the learning of English vocabulary among primary school learners. Additionally, it examined teachers' perspectives regarding the utilization of these aids in teaching English vocabulary to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at the primary level. An experimental research design was employed to gather quantitative data. The data collection involved a closed-ended questionnaire directed at 15 EFL teachers, as well as pretests and posttests administered to 50 students at Sana Almohidaly Primary School in Tiji City. The participants were divided into two groups: a control group, which received vocabulary instruction through traditional methods, and an experimental group, which was taught using audio-visual aids. The collected data were statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS software. The findings indicated that EFL teachers recognize the significance of incorporating audio-visual aids as a pedagogical tool for teaching vocabulary to sixth-grade students in primary schools. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the achievement test scores of students in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group.

This study contributes to the limited research on the importance of integrating various teaching aids within the Libyan EFL context. The findings underscore the necessity of employing audio-visual aids to enhance opportunities for both teachers and students to develop their digital literacy. Consequently, it is recommended that training sessions, workshops, and additional practice be implemented to increase EFL teachers' awareness of the benefits of utilizing diverse teaching aids in the instruction and learning of English vocabulary

Key words: Audio-Visual Aids - vocabulary-teaching vocabulary using aids-

Haneen Almabrouk Othman Alsayiq, (08-2024), acdemia. edu: جامعة الزنتان,