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الرئيسية // أعضاء هيئة التدريس // نجاة عبدالله الصيد رحيل

نجاة عبدالله الصيد رحيل

عضو هيئة تدريس

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: ماجستير

الدرجة العلمية: مساعد محاضر

التخصص: هندسة كمبيوتر - حاسب الي

قسم الحاسوب - كلية الآداب و العلوم - بدر

حول نجاة

CURRICULUM VITAE Objective; To work and study in competitive environment With utmost sincerity and Dedication. Educational qualifications; 1- Bachelor degree in computer science from The Bader College of Arts &Science -Al Zintan University, Libya (2006). 2- Master degree in computer engineering from The Cankaya University , Turky(2015). PERSONAL PROFILE Name ; NAGAT ABDALLA ESIAD Date of Birth ; 14-May-1985 Sex ; Female Marital Status ; Married Nationality ; Libyan Passport number ; C9P1722J E-Mail, I. D ; njatrhel@yahoo.com PHONE NO ; 00218 – 092 -7138647 ; 00218 – 094 –5448123 Languages known ; Arabic (Mother tongue) , English ( Good ), DETAILS OF EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE S NO NAME OF THE INSTITUTION DESIGNATION PERIOD 1 Computer Department-Bader College of Arts &Science -Al Zintan University Working in the lab as a demonstrator supervising the student in programming in C & C++ Language, Pascal Language and networks. (2007 -2012) 2 Computer Department-Bader College of Arts &Science -Al Zintan University Working as a lecture assistant giving the student lectures in lots of curses such as The basic of programming I-II by java ,C++ Language ,Mat lab Language ,Compiler Design ,Operating System , Electronic Education ,Data Security . (2015 -2022) Research papers UDC 2020 Challenge on Image Restoration of Under-Display Camera: Methods and Results. published at ECCV 2020 European Conference on Computer Vision Declaration I hereby declare that all statements made here in above are true, complete and correct and are not false or misleading. I understand that in the event of any information so furnished being found false or incorrect or misleading, the organization/institution shall be at liberty to dismiss me from its services (if selected) besides proceeding against me for giving false and incorrect statements, under the appropriate law. Yours sincerely (NAGAT ABDALLA ESIAD) REFERENCES 1) DR.REBIE.M. JALASH ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & DEAN BADER COLLEGE OF ARTS &SCIENCE Zintan UNIVERSITY Al Zintan LIBYA. E-MAIL,I.D:Rebie63@hotmail.com PHONE NO ; 00218 91 4222563 2) NABIL.M.ELALGSHAT HEAD OF COMPUTER DEPARTMENT BADER COLLEGE OF ARTS &SCIENCE AL Zintan UNIVERSITY Al Zintan LIBYA. E-Mail, I. D :gashat@go.uoz.edu.ly PHONE NO ; 00218 91 7958203 3) Emre BAŞESKİ HEAD OF COMPUTER DEPARTMENT CANKAYA UNIVERCITY TURKY E-mail: emrebaseski@cankaya.edu.tr

المنشورات العلمية
UDC 2020 Challenge on Image Restoration of Under-Display Camera: Methods and Results


This paper is the report of the first Under-Display Camera (UDC) image restoration challenge in conjunction with the RLQ workshop at ECCV 2020. The challenge is based on a newly-collected database of Under-Display Camera. The challenge tracks correspond to two types of display: a 4k Transparent OLED (T-OLED) and a phone Pentile OLED (P-OLED). Along with about 150 teams registered the challenge, eight and nine teams submitted the results during the testing phase for each track. The results in the paper are state-of-the-art restoration performance of Under-Display Camera Restoration. Datasets and paper are available at https://yzhouas.github.io/projects/UDC/udc.html.


Under-display camera Image restoration Denoising Debluring 

Nagat Adballa Esiad Rahel, (01-2021), ECCV 2020: Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops pp 337-351: international conference,