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أعضاء هيئة التدريس

الرئيسية // أعضاء هيئة التدريس // عفاف صالح امحمد سعيد

عفاف صالح امحمد سعيد

رئيس قسم الحاسوب

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: ماجستير

الدرجة العلمية: مساعد محاضر

التخصص: هندسة كمبيوتر - حاسب الي

قسم الحاسوب - كلية الآداب و العلوم - بدر

حول عفاف

عضو هيئة تدريس بكلية الاداب والعلوم بدر ...الصفة رئيس قسم الحاسوب .....المشاركة في عدة دورات تدريبية ......

المنشورات العلمية
التشفير المتناظر و طرق مهاجمته
مشروع تخرج بكالوريوس

Encryption provides privacy and security in all its concepts of data transmitted over open networks. There is a need for strong encryption methods because with the rapid development of the computer, it reduces the strength of encryption, because increasing the speed of the computer means shortening the time needed for the computer to break or detect a certain encryption key.The longer the key length increases the probability ratio,and the longer the time required to install all of these possibilities, which in some powerful cryptographic keys reaches hundreds of years, Taking into account the capacity and speed of existing computers.

Therefore, it is not possible to rely on these computers that use transistors in the CPUs, but must move to more°modern techniques where the length of processing and decryption less than hundreds, but thousands of times, and within this framework there are recent studies are making efforts to reach the so-called (Photons are used in the information transfer process) that can perform calculations much faster than the arithmetic of conventional devices,allowing them to break the most common online protection systems.

These computers will radically change the encryption methods currently adopted to move to quantum encryption.

عفاف صالح امحمد سعيد، أشرف عبد المجيد حواص، سراج نصر الزلعوطي، يوسف الرويقد، (06-2019)، جامعة الزنتان: كلية الآداب و العلوم بدر،

Master Thesis

As an evaluation method for e-Government world wide web portal in Turkey cities, I have applied and proposed an evaluation method to measure the accuracy for the usability satisfaction. By calculating the population for each city, I have selected the government website and try to apply the error checking by depending on the Measure 1. Measure 1 which has 10 dichotomous web usability standard, I valuate and coded each site based on the 10 dichotomous usability standards. Those dichotomous are categories and based on Web design errors, Standard web design

conventions, and the Presence of features designed. Then I suggest a method to easure the usability satisfaction by computing the total average for each site after I compute the individual average by counting the number of ones during our usability checking using Measure 1. Then I have found that the total number of websites that have satisfied the usability majority is (39 webpage) which is an approximate equal to

48%, and the sites that does not satisfy the usability majority is (42 webpage), which about 51%. Moreover, I tried to study the relation between the final usability accuracy that related to each dichotomous usability standards.

In my Experimental results and by plotting each usability satisfaction, I tried to find the dichotomous that effect on the final usability accuracy for each Turkey cities sites such as splash page which is named V1 in my experimental result and V2 which

is the need for horizontal scrolling at 1024×768 resolution or below those dichotomoushave achieved (100%) for the usability success. In contrast, Turkey website usability succeed has been affected by some Measure 1 dichotomous, which have achieved (0%) such as V4 which is the underlined text links which effect on the have achieved (0%) such as V4 which is the underlined text links which effect on the

user ability accuracy as a final measurement result.

Keywords: human computer, e-governement,website, usability,measure

Afaf Saleh Emhemed Saad, (06-2016), Atilim university: international conference,