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الرئيسية // أعضاء هيئة التدريس // محمد نصر امحمد بن نصر

محمد نصر امحمد بن نصر

وكيل الشؤون العلمية

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: دكتوراه

الدرجة العلمية: محاضر

التخصص: البيئة والتنمية المستدامة - علوم حماية البيئة

قسم الجيوفيزياء - كلية الموارد الطبيعية - الحرابة

المنشورات العلمية
The Successful Transition to Environmental Sustainability in Libya
Journal Article

This study outlines how Libya could become sustainable if it so chooses, the world is moving rapidly towards a transition to environmental sustainability after the dangers of using fossil fuels 

and excessive use of natural resources without taking into account the environmental aspects have become publicly clear through of the phenomenon of Global warming and climate change. The aim of this study is to identify opportunities for decision-makers in Libya to intensify environmental management and move towardssustainability methods by preserving the three main natural resources in Libya (water, oil, and gas). The paramount needs are to make the water supply sustainable and to make a transition to renewable energy as fast as possible, both water and oil stocks are depleting and will become scarce unless conserved, sales receipts from Libya’s declining oil and gas resources could be allocated to accelerate the transition to solar electricity, which should fast  become the most profitable and sustainable export to Europe. Conservation of hydrocarbons is essential to boost oil and gas exports to finance solar electricity, the main opportunity is to conserve Libya’s three main natural resources, water, oil and gas. Conservation of these resources will firmly catalyze Libya’s transition to a sustainable economy while improving the quality of life. This study focuses on water and energy conservation and investment in renewable energy through:1) Benefit from the revenues of oil and gas, which are considered as revenues temporary and exhaustible to create sustainable development based on renewable energy in most economic activities. 2) Transform Libya from a producer and exporter of fossil fuels to a country producer and exporter of clean energy, such as energy generated from wind and sun. Libya enjoys a privileged location near the continent of Europe can be an important source of electricity generated from solar energy to Europe. 3) Reduce fossil fuel consumption which increases the life of its reserves, and this leads to a reduction in the proportion of greenhouse gas emissions, the main cause of global warming.4) Maintain the groundwater and the rationalization of consumption.5) Create new job opportunities foryoung people Libyan, because the transformation project for the sustainable economy requires a lot of development projects that need to be 

trained workforce and efficient.6)Libya is a unique nation in many ways: especially its location that contains the highest solar insolation on the planet, so the daily average of horizontal solar radiation is 7.1 kWh/m²/day, with an average sun duration of more 

than 3,500 hours per year. 7) Accelerating the development of solar and wind energy will enable Libya to export hydrocarbons for a longer period.

Mohamed Nasar bin Nasar, (01-2024), الزنتان، ليبيا: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية International Science and Technology Journal, 33

حصاد الضباب مصدراً مستداماً للمياه بمنطقة الجبل الغربي ، دراسة حالة مدينة الزنتان
مقال في مجلة علمية

ان تعاقب مواسم الجفاف وخاصة في السنوات الاخيرة وندرة مصادر المياه التقليدية اضطرنا إلى البحث عن مصادر بديلة وغير تقليدية ومستدامة للمياه فنحن في وقت نحتاج فيه لكل قطرة ماء، ومن مبدأ استغلال الموارد الطبيعية المتاحة الاستغلال الامثل وبدون إلحاق

الضرر بالبيئة الامر الذي يعد من أهم أهداف التنمية المستدامة، فإن عملية جمع المياه من الضباب أو ما يعرف (بحصاد الضباب) تقنية بسيطة ومستدامة للحصول على المياه العذبة وكمصدر لمياه الشرب وللاستهلاك البشري والحيواني في المناطق التي تكون فيها المياه العذبة قليلة وبما أن الضباب يحدث بشكل متكرر خاصة في فصل الشتاء بالمناطق الجبلية وخاصة القريبــــة من السواحل كمنطقة الجبل الغربــــــي، الامر الذي شجعنا على إجـــراء دراسة بمدينة الزنتان عن طريق إجــراء اختبــــار بتركيب وحدة من تقنية حصاد الضباب القياسي (SFC)collector fog standard The وهي عبارة عن شبكة مصنوعة من مادة البولي بروبلين مقاسها 1م2 والمثبتة بقاعدة على ارتفاع 2م فوق سطح الارض مثبتة عمودياً مقابل مسار الرياح المحملة بالضباب، مع استمرار عملية تكاثف المياه على سطح الشبكة تتجمع قطرات المياه مع بعضها البعض لتشكل قطرات اكبر حجماً مما يؤدي إلى سقوطها في حوض التجميع الموجود بأسفل الشبكة بفعل الجاذبية،كانت المدة الزمنية للأختبار 24 شهراً من يناير 2021 إلى ديسمبر 2022 ،لهدف الحصول على نتائج وبيانات شاملة ودقيقة تشمل جميع فصول السنة ولنتعرف على مدى التذبذب في النتائج بين كل سنة وأخرى بناءً على المواسم المناخية الرطبة والجافة لنتحصل على معدل تقريبي لعملية حصاد الضباب، فقد كانت كميات المياه

المجمعة من حصاد الضباب خلال المدة الزمنية للأختبار في عامي (2021 - 2022 )هي على التوالي:420.5 لتر/ م2 / سنة، 361 لتر/ م2 / سنة، ومبعدل سنوي لا يتعدى 1.1لتر/ م2 / يوم / سنة.

محمد نصر امحمد بن نصر، (11-2023)، الزنتان، ليبيا: مجلة الجامعي، 38

Smart roads to generate energy in Libya: survey
Journal Article

The paper studied the possibility of taking advantage over roads to generate energy by pressure and movements of vehicles on these roads and converts kinetic energy into electric energy by piezoelectric devices that will call later the Smart Roads. Libya is seeking a variety of energy sources instead of depending on fossil fuels, and at the same time, plans to have giant projects in the field of roads; the most important is the 2000 km coastal highway. The coastal highway itself can produce thousands of kilowatts of clean and sustainable electric power by installing piezoelectric devices along the distance of the road with proper specifications. The objective of this paper is to study and investigate the smart roads to produce energy in Libya. Moreover, this paper employed descriptive design which includes model design and energy calculations for one piezoelectric device. The main reasons that encouraged us to take advantage over the Road Power Generation (RGP) are as follows:(1). The needs for a resource of renewable, clean and sustainable energy;(2) Benefits from the movement of thousands of vehicles on public roads, and take advantage of thousands of kilome-

Mohamed Nasar, Hesham Elzentani, (07-2016), بلغراد، صربيا: Environment & Ecology, 3

Survey of Sustainable Development to Make Great Man-Made River Producing Energy and Food
Journal Article

The Great Man-Made River (GMR) is the world largest irrigation project, consisting of a network of pipes that supplies water from Libyan desert in the south to the coastal areas in the north. This paper studies the possibility of taking advantage of GMR to generate energy and produce food through agriculture. Hydro-kinetic power generation, would be carried out by generating energy from water movements across Great Man-Made River pipelines using appropriate sizes of turbines. It’s known that the length of the GMR pipeline is about 4000 km with a diameter of 4 m. Pipeline of such magnitude with great water flow rate would make a turbine to produce hundreds of Kilowatts of clean energy. The most significant reasons that force us to take advantage of GMR to generate energy are: a) The needs to sustainable environmental energy source; b) Power System uses energy of flowing water to provide a consistent, controllable, non-weather-dependent source of electricity, such as other types of renewable energy, which are depend on the weather. The conversion of GMR, from supplying freshwater to coastal cities, to huge agricultural project after the establishment of many seawater desalination plants (solar powered) would cover the needs of cities for fresh water. Thus it would become possible to convert thousands of desert hectares around the pipelines to huge agricultural project irrigated from GMR.

Mohamed Nasar Nasar, (12-2015), بلغراد، صربيا: Enviro Research Publishers, 3

Exploitation survey of sea water in agriculture of coastal deserts in Libya
Journal Article

This paper examines the possibility of exploitation sea water in the agriculture of coastal deserts in Libya, some of which salt-tolerant plants (Halophyte), especially that used to feed animals, and convert marshes coastal useless life to nature reserves attract many kinds of migratory birds and marine lives after the cultivation of these marshes by type of plants, which grow in saltwater. In other words this paper will present a study of how to use the seawater as a renewable resource for agriculture in Libya and how this will contribute in sustainable development in this sprawling country. The advantage of this resource can be taken to fill up the gap of natural grassland and the growing demand for animal feed which has caused rising prices of livestock and meats, not to mention the tribal conflicts that occur because of the dispute over grasslands. The most significant reasons that force us to exploit the seawater are:(1) Lack of inventory of underground water in the coastal areas and overlapping with seawater in several areas. In contrast, Libya has the longest coastline on the Mediterranean with a length of more than 1,900 kilometers;(2) Fluctuation rate of the amount of rainfall, which has affected negatively on the natural grassland;(3) More than 90% of the country's population in the coastal areas, that causing a large drain of groundwater which already meager in this region, for this reason the government has worked to establish Artificial River project, which delivers water from the south to the northern areas to reduce this problem, and (4) Depletion and degradation of natural grassland is largely due to overgrazing.

Mohamed Nasar, (06-2014), بلغراد، صربيا: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IAEES, 2