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أعضاء هيئة التدريس

الرئيسية // أعضاء هيئة التدريس // أبراهيم محمد مسعود الأطرش

أبراهيم محمد مسعود الأطرش

رئيس القسم

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: ماجستير

الدرجة العلمية: مساعد محاضر

التخصص: نووية - فيزياء

قسم الفيزياء - كلية التربية - يفرن

المنشورات العلمية
Theoretical calculations of the possibility of obtaining isomeric isotopes of osmium and iridium in the mass range(190-200)
Journal Article


  In this paper, we discuss the possibility of producing isomer isotopes with a long life expectancy of seconds to thousands of years for the elements osmium and iridium in the mass range (190-200).

 Isomers are isotopes present at high energy levels, which are temporary excited states of some nuclei of elements, and these isomers can lose their excitation energy in various ways such as alpha, beta and gamma decay and internal transformation according to the energy and nature of this isomer.

This research enables us to predict the possibility of manufacturing these isomer isotopes at high energy levels, where the average age of some of them reaches thousands of years, and this enables us to exploit these isotopes as energy tanks as they do not need much space for storage, and the hafnium isotope (178) is currently manufactured in limited quantities in the United States, so this clean energy can be used peacefully and militarily.

Abraheem Mohammed Masoud Alatrash, (11-2023), مجلة الجامعة /غريان: مجلة الجامعة, 28